Just realised I'll be going soon...

I promise you, there is nothing to worry about.. as long as u push when ur supposed to.. stop when told.. and pant when you need to... you wont tear or anything. Im a very small built girl.. was a size 6 when i fell preg at 17 with my first.. she was 7lb6 and i got a small graze with her even after pushing for an hour...

:D xx

Thanks hun, that's so reassuring. I've prob just been listening to too many horror stories. I think it's more the recovery rather than the actual birth that's scaring me most! xx
I know I will probably sound selfish but I am scared it wont be the same down there ever again because of the tearing etc.
Probably should be thinking about that
I promise you, there is nothing to worry about.. as long as u push when ur supposed to.. stop when told.. and pant when you need to... you wont tear or anything. Im a very small built girl.. was a size 6 when i fell preg at 17 with my first.. she was 7lb6 and i got a small graze with her even after pushing for an hour...

:D xx

Thanks hun, that's so reassuring. I've prob just been listening to too many horror stories. I think it's more the recovery rather than the actual birth that's scaring me most! xx

Its good to read difficult birth stories so you have some knowledge about them.. just in case (you never know).. but dont stress about them.. read some normal births too..
The recovery, for me was fine.. bleeding like period for a couple of weeks and a bit of cramps where uterus is going back to normal size (breastfeeding helps) the only prob i had was with my first with the graze and peeing lol! stung like a biatch lol but used sanex bubble bath (highly recommend!) and had to lean to pee haha but it wasnt for long..

I will say, that a few hours after i had both my girls i passed one big clot.. which noone warned me about so i pooped myself the first time!!! I warned my sister about that and my mate and they both had the same and thanked me... so i will say.. if you get that its normal and fine :)

I prefer to be honest about birth.. most people sugar coat it lol but i dont think thats right..
Its honestly not as bad as we all think it is xx
I promise you, there is nothing to worry about.. as long as u push when ur supposed to.. stop when told.. and pant when you need to... you wont tear or anything. Im a very small built girl.. was a size 6 when i fell preg at 17 with my first.. she was 7lb6 and i got a small graze with her even after pushing for an hour...

:D xx

Thanks hun, that's so reassuring. I've prob just been listening to too many horror stories. I think it's more the recovery rather than the actual birth that's scaring me most! xx
I know I will probably sound selfish but I am scared it wont be the same down there ever again because of the tearing etc.
Probably should be thinking about that


Tbh.. i didnt do any pelvic floors with either of my girls.. my first honestly did make me 'feel' slightly bigger (only i noticed it).. but my second tightened me up lol! so clearly the exercise the pelvic floor gets-my second child- works.. (ive been doing my pelvic floor for a while now to get baby out quicker by having stronger muscles there)

But we are built for this.. the cervix opens wide enough for baby and closes as normal after.. i dont know anyone who has had a major size difference after having a baby.

My advice.. just exercise those pelvic floor muscles when you can to strengthen them up

and no ur not selfish at all, we all feel that way as women :)
If you were to tear you would be stitched after anyway if need be so youll heal just the same as u were..
I'm going to make sure I do pelvic floor excercises every day now until the birth! xx
It will help you not only after birth, but during! stronger muscles = harder pushing = quicker delivery! a whole hour it took my first to come out.. i was shattered!! took me two weeks to get my energy back lol! my second was 3 good pushes and i had all the energy after for her and my 3 yr old :)
Try not to worry so much, i know its hard not to xxx :)
OMG!! This means it's nearly time for me to go too! :shock:
Thanks for all your reply girls. For me, it's not so much the giving birth that scares me. This probably sounds a bit backward but I'll give it a go at trying to explain....
I'm actually looking forward to experiencing giving birth (yes terrified at the thought too) but I think I'll do ok, I'm quite strong both physically and mentally so I think I'll do ok out of it. I also can't wait to see our little miss and what she looks like, to hold her and cuddle her. I'm actually aching inside for all that to happen.
The thing that is scarying me is that I'm actually going to be a Mum. This time next year I'm going to have an 8 month old baby. I'm sort of used to being around babies and children and I get on great with them but I'm going to be 110% responsible for another person, from now til the day I die. I'm worried about being able to feed, bathe, clothe baby right, i'm worried that I won't be able to bring it up right to have respect and manors, I'm worried that I'll mess up them going to school - when do they start nursery/proper school etc?
My biggest fear is that I end up having a relationship with my daughter like I have with my mother (it's not good to say the least) I want my little girl to be the centre of my world and do everything for her, but the enormity of all that comes with that is huge and I'm sooooooo scared.

I probably haven't made much sense as I'm just rambling on xxxx
I know what you mean PrincessPeanut, the thought of being totally responcible for a little person and everything they do scares me too. I'm sure it'll all come naturally though xx
Thanks for all your reply girls. For me, it's not so much the giving birth that scares me. This probably sounds a bit backward but I'll give it a go at trying to explain....
I'm actually looking forward to experiencing giving birth (yes terrified at the thought too) but I think I'll do ok, I'm quite strong both physically and mentally so I think I'll do ok out of it. I also can't wait to see our little miss and what she looks like, to hold her and cuddle her. I'm actually aching inside for all that to happen.
The thing that is scarying me is that I'm actually going to be a Mum. This time next year I'm going to have an 8 month old baby. I'm sort of used to being around babies and children and I get on great with them but I'm going to be 110% responsible for another person, from now til the day I die. I'm worried about being able to feed, bathe, clothe baby right, i'm worried that I won't be able to bring it up right to have respect and manors, I'm worried that I'll mess up them going to school - when do they start nursery/proper school etc?
My biggest fear is that I end up having a relationship with my daughter like I have with my mother (it's not good to say the least) I want my little girl to be the centre of my world and do everything for her, but the enormity of all that comes with that is huge and I'm sooooooo scared.

I probably haven't made much sense as I'm just rambling on xxxx

I totally understand what you're saying here.

I feel the exact smae hun! The only thing that I think to keep myself un petrified is that if we just take a day at a time and always do our best on each day then when it all adds up and we look back when our LO's are older then hopefully we'll have done great jobs as mummies :hug:

You're gonna make a fabby mum chick, I;m so certain every mummy 2 be worries about these things too!

Dont worry about starting school/nursery at the right time. I'm certain as long as LO is registered as living with you the council send you a a letter advising about local primary schools and what to do xx
Dont worry we all feel like that..
Its very natural to worry.. I felt the same about my relationship with my mum.. just use it to make your relationship with your daughter stronger.. You know where things went wrong with u and ur mum so you can avoid the same with your LO.. same as i have done with my girls :) im happy with the way ive brought my girls up.. but there are some things you wont be able to control in their lives (unfortunately now my eldest has issues from it and will always have problems) but youll do your best to support them through it.. they need to have some speedbumps like we do or we'll never learn.. be strict and stick to the rules you lay from day one no matter how much they push you lol theyll soon learn :)
Youll be fine im sure of it! the fact you are so concerned just goes to show how much love you have for your baby already :D
You'll be great hun.

Your less than ideal experiences as a daughter will mean you know exactly what to avoid with your little princess.

I'd like to keep pickle in me forever, I hate the thought of the outside world having any influence on him/her. Feel quite safe in the knowledge that this little one is safer in me than outside.
You'll be great hun.

Your less than ideal experiences as a daughter will mean you know exactly what to avoid with your little princess.

I'd like to keep pickle in me forever, I hate the thought of the outside world having any influence on him/her. Feel quite safe in the knowledge that this little one is safer in me than outside.

Aww thats sweet :love:

But makes me feel kinda sad at the same time cause it's true about the big bad world :( x
Awh, you're so right about being safe in us then the outside world but I'd give anything to give her a cuddle.
After seeing that youtube vid about babies crying in the womb I got all teary eyed and wanted little bubba out to give her a cuddle and make sure she's ok!!
I'm managing to stay sane about it at the moment but I think I may break at the weekend when I'm not occupied by work :( xxx
Seem to be crying at anything at the moment. A very good friend, without my knowledge got me some maternity tops (I'd been complaining about being a big fat heiffer) I hadn't been able to find any that I liked, and these ones were so me, was so touched that i burst into tears.

Just need to keep ourselves busy to distract us from the hormones. At the moment mine seems to be eating, which I manage to do constantly, hmmmmm grazing all day, perhaps my heiffer comment wasn't too far off the mark.

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