Never panic about giving birth we are women... we are made this way

Its the most amazing experience any human being will ever go through! Its impossible to describe it to someone who hasnt given birth..
think of it like this: Its just one day.. but it will be the most rewarding, loving, emotional moment of your life!! Im welling up just thinking about when i had my beautiful girls

even though my situation was shitty.. nothing ruined my moment

ask any mother!
My sister went through so much with her daughters birth.. yet just 4 months later they successfully concieved again! WILLINGLY! shes due in august and shes very excited even though she had so many problems with her first..
I promise you, there is nothing to worry about.. as long as u push when ur supposed to.. stop when told.. and pant when you need to... you wont tear or anything. Im a very small built girl.. was a size 6 when i fell preg at 17 with my first.. she was 7lb6 and i got a small graze with her even after pushing for an hour...
my second i was a size 8 at 20 (preg for both 18th and 21st lol) and my daughter was 7lb5 and as i knew what i was doing i got her out in 3 big pushes with not a mark!
I wish i went to antenatal classes with my first, so i would have known what to do... would have made it alot easier for me lol!!
You are still allowed to post here in 2nd im sure noone will mind or grass you up to admin lol!
I reply to threads in 1st and 3rd too as ive been there before and its feels good to reassure people who are going thru what u went thru
