Just out of interest


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Jul 2, 2007
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Hi there. Well my story. Basically i suffered from anorexia and bulima for nearly ten years.I stopped having regular periods and become seriously underweight. But i have now managed to conqueor my demons and set myself straight on the road to recovery.
Was just wondering if anyone else has battled with eating disorders and has became or is trying to become pregnant as i read that they can decrease your chances of beoming pregnant.
Me and my partner are trying to conceive. I should have got my period today but so far nothing. I have been having nausea , headaches , lower back pain , been very emotional and irritable , tired and i cannot stop eating so fingers crossed.

Not sure about the whole eating disorder babe...i myself have the opposite problem! But good luck TTC, this forum is great any questions just ask there's loads of experts here! :)
I was never diagnosed with anything, but have myself suffered with a form of anorexia.

Like you my periods stopped, but thankfully after a few months something clicked (I realised then that I wanted children so that helped to 'snap me out of it' as is the phrase) and managed to start a proper eating regime.

I conceived my daughter a few years later with no trouble at all (2 months after starting TTC)

Obviously we didn't help ourselves, but hopefully you caught it in time and all your hard work since will pay off :hug:

I'm here if you need to talk

I used to starve myself, my periods never went but I've lost two babies and slightly blame not eating nutritionally enough- starving myself one day, bingeing the next and stuff.

So like you I'm trying to eat more normally- almost the proper 2000ish calories a day, but it is hard, I feel like a fat pig :lol:
I completely understand how you feel. Going from eating less than a 1000 calories a day to what is considered the normal intake is quite a big thing. But i just keep reminding myself as to why i must do this. That reason alone far outweighs the wanting of being thin for me. I just hope i havnt done any damage to myself and will conceive soon. Thanks for your support. x
Just wanted to say good luck with your TTC shelley :D

I'm sure I've heard that if your periods have returned there should be no problem conceiving providing you eat healthily. Good luck, I know it must be a big step for you :hug:
I had bulemia for 8 years. Have been recovered for the last three. I was told during treatment it could affect my fertility, but as you know at the time nothing is more important than being thin (so silly in hindsite). Me and DH hadnt been too careful since Jan 07 although we werent trying, and I concieved in April. I am finding the weight gain a little strenuous, I have a comfort zone I like to stay in but its easy to eat well and remind myself about why Im gaining wt, it is fot the most important reason in the world after all. Make sure you eat really healthy now and enough, and exercise but not too much, and you should be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
Best of luck to you! I can sympathize, although I've never officially had an eating disorder, I am the pickiest calorie-counting vegetarian around!
I don't rightly know the proper calorie intake for TTC ... but I'm sure that would be of interest to others too if anyone knows.
Be strong, and don't worry about weight. If you get preggers, you'll be much heavier, and MUCH MUCH happier!!!
I used to starve myself, only ever eating a full meal once a week, and drank heavily too. I was a v low weight for my build and you could see my hipbones through jeans. My periods never stopped but I had v irregular periods anyway, only a few a year.

I got pregnant whilst all this was going on and carried a healthy baby. I put an awful lot of weight on whilst pregnant, partly through starting to eat properly again - from the day I found out which was at the end of the first tri, I ate 3 meals a day.

I started to diet again a few years back and could feel myself slipping back into the habit again. I actually found some of my food diaries from that diet the other day and by the end of it (when I had stopped going to the slimming club becuase they weren't "strict" enough for me :oops: ) I was eating a v low fat yoghurt in the day then vegetables and rice or the equivalent in the evening. I knew where I was going and thank god didn't go there again. Now I feel like a huge fat lump, BUT I know my body is getting everything it needs :D

ive suffered from an eating disorder all my life. doctors dont even know wot it is i can go days without eating. and when i do eat i never put on weight.
ive been 7 stone since i was 11. and b4 i had my daughter my periods had stopped for over a year.
good news is i still got pregnant. i was shocked when i found out.

i mean look at nicole ritchie. theres always a chance to get pregnant.
I suffered too, especially when me and my ex were going through a rough patch, I dropped from a healthy 9 stone (at 5ft 7) to less than 7 stone - I still do the not eating routine too when I'm stressed :oops:

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