Just one more question


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Sorry for poking round in here again.

For those of you that have read my other threads you will know that I have lots of pregnancy symptoms and that I did 3 tests which all had faint lines on. :shock:

Back in July 2005 I got 3 positive test results and then two weeks later I started to bleed, doctor told me it was an early m/c. (don’t think I have ever told anyone about this only my OH) :cry:

I am wondering whether or not I should go to the doctors:

1. To find out if I am actually pregnant,
2. If she can give me any advice

I am worried about going in case she says “sorry you are not pregnant” and really if I am what advice can she give me or what can she do to stop the same happening. :(

Not sure if their tests will even pick the HcG up as I would only be 3 weeks and 6 days.

Could she maybe fell my stomach and tell me or do a blood test?
kelly to me it sounds like u r pregnant, i went to see the doctor and gave her all my tests with faint lines and she confirmed them positive, she offered to do a test of my urine to confirm it but i think their tests are comparable

my doctor said she wouldnt do a blood test as she said shed only do one if she suspected an ectopic

last pregnancy my lines were really strng quickly, this time it has taken longer- iv been leaving a week between tests as i was getting myself stressed

it sounds like before u had an early m/c, its not in ur control if that happens again so try not to worry- hopefully everything will be ok, if af doesnt show id do a test in a week- then ul feel more sure

ur doctor may reassure u if u take the tests- just thought id let u know my experience incase it helps xxx
I've not had much experience but when I went to my docs to tell them I'd had a + pg test they just said congratulations and make a midwife appointment on the way out!!

They didn't even bother to test me again because they said that the tests they have in the surgery are just as accurate as the ones on the high street.

I know from friends who've had multiple m/c's that the doctors don't really follow your pg more closely unless you've had at least 3 prev m/c's before. Also, my docs said they only do blood tests for pg if you are more than 2 weeks late and are getting uncertain responses from pg tests. If I'd have gone in with 3 faint lines that would have been enough for them to say I was pg without any further tests.

This is only the experience I've had with my docs so if you are all worried then contact your doctor. At least you'll have piece of mind that way
The lines only appear on the test if the HcG is there, I think.

Because you are so early you need to wait and test again - I know this is really hard but its all you can do at this stage! The fetus needs time to implant and this is the risky bit it seems.

The doctor just accepted my home test and didn't test again and I suspect thats what the doc would do with you.

If you've had a MC before though and you have any symptoms of it again (pain or bleeding) they might send you for an early scan. I had my first scan at 5 wks 5 days because I had some pain (and two previous miscarriages).

Good luck,
I doubt your GP will be able to make much difference. They certainly can't tell anything by feeling your stomach this early (my MW didn't even bother/try till I was 16 weeks). And its way to early for anything like a scan. And usually they only do early scans if there is cause for concern, such as bleeding etc.

All they might be able to do is give you a pregnancy test to do there or take a urine sample. The tests are the same as home ones so no different.

What chrissy said about having multiple MC's is the standard. I know its not an easy thing to hear, but even my GP told me this when I had bleeding in first tri. They don't investigate or take action until you have 3 MC's as a rule. My GP advised me to rest at home for the day and to see what happens (he did offer to book me in at the EPU but I turned it down as there was nothing to be done I felt), as tbh there is nothing they can do to prevent a woman from miscarrying. If I had had more bleeding or cramps they would have referred me for a scan at the EPU.

I think your best course of action is to wait a while longer and test again. And if its still coming back positive go see your GP and let them know you think you are PG. Again s/he may not do much other than congratulate you and tell you to book in with the MW from 8 weeks onwards, but thats pretty much it anyways. Nothing to do before then if all is normal :)
If you are 3 weeks 6 days I don't think they'll do anything - they'll expect you to wait until after you period is late, I'm afraid. It's possible to fertilise an egg yet it doesn't grab on properly so you have a period like normal and unless you have done a test before your period you wouldn't even know it had happened.

If the doctor does do a blood test you wouldn't get the results back for a few days anyway - by which point the standard pee sticks would be showing clear positives.

Although it seems harsh, medically a miscarrage is considered a normal thing to happen so it would only be if you have had 3 miscarraiges that they would start to take extra care of you. Or that's the way it is here anyway.

However: I had very faint lines at your stage - so faint they didn't even show in photos though we were fairly certain it was there :dance: There's no such thing as a false positive (if you read the test in the time that it says on the packet) but there is such a thing as a very faint line :D
The lines only appear on the test if the HcG is there, I think.

Because you are so early you need to wait and test again - I know this is really hard but its all you can do at this stage! The fetus needs time to implant and this is the risky bit it seems.

The doctor just accepted my home test and didn't test again and I suspect thats what the doc would do with you.

If you've had a MC before though and you have any symptoms of it again (pain or bleeding) they might send you for an early scan. I had my first scan at 5 wks 5 days because I had some pain (and two previous miscarriages).

Good luck,
I doubt your GP will be able to make much difference. They certainly can't tell anything by feeling your stomach this early (my MW didn't even bother/try till I was 16 weeks). And its way to early for anything like a scan. And usually they only do early scans if there is cause for concern, such as bleeding etc.

All they might be able to do is give you a pregnancy test to do there or take a urine sample. The tests are the same as home ones so no different.

What chrissy said about having multiple MC's is the standard. I know its not an easy thing to hear, but even my GP told me this when I had bleeding in first tri. They don't investigate or take action until you have 3 MC's as a rule. My GP advised me to rest at home for the day and to see what happens (he did offer to book me in at the EPU but I turned it down as there was nothing to be done I felt), as tbh there is nothing they can do to prevent a woman from miscarrying. If I had had more bleeding or cramps they would have referred me for a scan at the EPU.

I think your best course of action is to wait a while longer and test again. And if its still coming back positive go see your GP and let them know you think you are PG. Again s/he may not do much other than congratulate you and tell you to book in with the MW from 8 weeks onwards, but thats pretty much it anyways. Nothing to do before then if all is normal :)
If you are 3 weeks 6 days I don't think they'll do anything - they'll expect you to wait until after you period is late, I'm afraid. It's possible to fertilise an egg yet it doesn't grab on properly so you have a period like normal and unless you have done a test before your period you wouldn't even know it had happened.

If the doctor does do a blood test you wouldn't get the results back for a few days anyway - by which point the standard pee sticks would be showing clear positives.

Although it seems harsh, medically a miscarrage is considered a normal thing to happen so it would only be if you have had 3 miscarraiges that they would start to take extra care of you. Or that's the way it is here anyway.

However: I had very faint lines at your stage - so faint they didn't even show in photos though we were fairly certain it was there :dance: There's no such thing as a false positive (if you read the test in the time that it says on the packet) but there is such a thing as a very faint line :D
Thanks for all your advice, i think i'd go sane without you lot. I am going to wait till after weekend and test myself.

Thanks again :hug:
Thanks for all your advice, i think i'd go sane without you lot. I am going to wait till after weekend and test myself.

Thanks again :hug:

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