Just needed to tell someone

Daisy Doo

New Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Hi there I am new to the forum and I guess i just needed to share this with someone
I have just suffered an early miscarriage and have not told anyone not even my partner, I had been feeling poorly and my period was late so thought I would just do a test to make sure and It was positive, I was going to tell my OH when he came down to see me as he lives a while away, I wasn't sure how I was feeling as it was unplanned and we both have children of our own. But as shocked as I was I see every baby as a blessing.
Then on monday I started to bleed, which although worrying I wasn't overly concerned as I bled with my second child. But then came some clots and some pretty bad cramps kinda figured it was not good news at this point so this morning I did another test and it was negative, I am not sure how I am feeling, I am not sure if I need to see a dr and should I tell my OH? Is there any point in upsetting him when he doesn't need to be upset or does he have a right to know what happened I just feel a bit all over the place now am not sure what to do
Any advice would be greatly appreciated right now
Oh hon :hug: :hug: My heart goes out to you.

Don't go through this alone, talk to your OH and def book in with the GP to ensure your own health.

Just because it wasn't planned doesn't make it any less traumatic. :hug: :hug:
Thank you so much for your kind words, I am not sure I would even know how to tell him.
I will book in with my GP though, you are right I need to get checked out
I feel so alone right now
Oh sweetie, i'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
I'd definitely tell your oh, it's not something you want to go through alone.

Take care :hug:
Mama 2 Be said:
Oh hon :hug: :hug: My heart goes out to you.

Don't go through this alone, talk to your OH and def book in with the GP to ensure your own health.

Just because it wasn't planned doesn't make it any less traumatic. :hug: :hug:

I agree with this

I had an unplanned pregnancy not long after Callum was born but lost it due to a m/c
I needed my OH there to support me through it.
He was fantastic and im sure yours will be too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you all so much for your support
I know I should tell him I am just very sad it won't be the conversation that I had planned to have with him :cry:
Even though we both have children of our own, this was 'our' baby and this hurts more than I could have imagined. How am I going to tell him??
sorry I am just babbling now
i'm so sorry for your loss :hug: x
i lost a baby in november only 3 days after i found out i was pregnant, and it wasnt planned either. i dont know how i wouldve coped without the support of my OH. u should definately tell him. just sit him down and say straight out, exactly what happened. tell him exactly how u feel (im guessing heartbroken and confused among others) and then ask him how he feels, and then u can support each other. sorry i'm a bit poo at giving advice like this but thats what i think is best to do. :hug: x
Definitely good to talk to your OH, but you should definitely tell your doc as well so that you have a record of the m/c in your medical history, which will be important if you get pregnant again. :hug: Hope you feel better soon, sweetie.
im sorry hun :hug: everyone else has taken the words right out of my mouth.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support it means so much right now
Just all over the place right now. Going to the drs tomorrow hopefully it will help to talk it through with someone.
Thank you all again
Oh im sorry for you chick,

I kinda know how you are feeling, I had a positive result and wanted to keep it a secret even from hubby for a bit just so I felt more certain about things although I knew we would both be extatic!
Sods law though I told him on valentines day when I was still only 5weeks pg and then tested on the following tuesday and got a negative result and started bleeding the following day! I was gutted but even more so that I had to tell hubby the bad news too! He was pleased he knew but I hated seeing his sad face for the first couple of days! And then in my hubbys typical way he carried on as normal so basically all forgotten.

So its a toughy! I still kinda wish I hadn't said anything and maybe told him later down the line but was also glad that he was a shoulder to cry when needed!

If you are planning to wait until you see him next, I would wait and then if you get the sudden urge to spill then do!


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