just how many diet cokes can one drink!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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went out last nite with the girls for one of their birthdays.... it was st patricks day too so i thought "should be a god nite".... didn't realise how busy every where was. It's just not the same when your drinking diet coke.... and most bars only offered the stuff on the pump.... sickly sweet sugar stuff!!!! i just wanted my PJ's and a cuppa.... whats happening to me.... Was quite please that i looked nice thou! didn't feel like a great lump.... looked pregnant but still nice pregnant.... that'll probably change soon....

also whats happened to manners... or am i old fashioned... stood in line for the loo... when 2 girls came in who's friend was in front of me in the line.... they just walked up and pushed the que.... i purposely stook my bump out showing PREGNANT LADY HERE but they still went before me... if i'd of had a gin n tonic in me i'd of spoke up for myself....

had to leave at 11 - was getting worried that the loud music might be scaring chick... they can hear at this stage can't they?

I totally agree with you Hayley, I drink lemonade when I go out and do get fed up of it!!!! Mind I haven't been out in town on a big night since finding out that I am pg, mainly just to the local pub.

I was at my mum's the other night and she had the U2 cd on, she turned it up loud when vertigo came on and my little 'en went mad having a good old kick - must be a rocker :lol:

I was told not to drink 'diet' drinks when I was pregnant. What ever they replace all the sugar with isn't good for baby apparantly!! Iwas tols it's much better to just drink normal coke etc.
Check it out with your MW as we all seem to get told different things!!
It's my birthday next week ... and im going out for a meal ..

Seeing it's my 21st will a glass of wine hurt??
haha hayley... getting old now, I felt like that when I went out with my friends, but I felt a bit nervous when I was at the bar or anything as I was very protective of my bump!!

Imi .... I am sure one glass of wine is fine but I have always thought whats the point, but as an EX binge drinker, i would drink to get drunk so now I dont see the point of even having one!..... I would prob only want a fag after!! haha xxxxxx
diet coke is not supposed to be drunk when pregnant - as you say bubble one it has something in it that doesn't agree with being pregnant! but thats if you drink a lot of it.... i personnally don't like fizzy drinks and only drink sugar free cordial.. but being out in bars it's harder to get.. a lot of bars (when they are very busy) will tell you they don't sell it (staff just can't be bothered) I don't really like fresh fruit drinks either... so sweet! So i had a few diet cokes which will have done no harm... but anyone who drinks a can a day should speak to their MD about it...

Imi the one glass of wine wnt do any harm at all.. filled with plenty of soda water to water it down and make it last much longer! i've had the odd glass now and again. I ask for an empty glass and a large glass of soda water... i split the wine into 2 glasses and fill them up with soda - lasts the full nite... But as keely says you usually want another!!! and thats the hard bit... and i was a social soker so when i have a drink i usually feel like a smoke! stopped when i was trying and haven't had one since but i really get tempted when i have a drink.... something i woudl never do when pregnant thou!

I think i really am getting old... keely... a good nite is a pink glass of orange n mango cordial with plenty of ice... a good book and my PJ's on the couch....

Lindsey looks like you might have your hands full wth that little dancer... mine kicks away as soon as i get in the car.... seems to love the driv to manchester every day... at least one of us does!


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