Just home from hospital ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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What a day yesterday!

Just got home from hospital, was admitted there by my GP yesterday...started feeling gradually unwell during the day and had horrendous stomach cramps so called my GP who saw me straight away.

She did lots of tests on me and was concerned that I had an ectopic pregnancy so she called emergency gynaecology clinic who wanted me in straight away.

As we've just moved to the area and Oh was at work in London, kids had to come with me, they were soo well behaved until OH got there.

Saw doc and he thought the same because of the pain, he did some tests, internal and external :( :(

Doc decided to admit me over night at 5.30pm as he stated there was a 80% chance that this was ectopic and it didn't look good.

OH got there asap and bless him left work in such a stress that he reversed into a lamp post and smashed his bumper!

It was so hard when they all had to leave, kids were crying as they didn't want to leave me and it was heart breaking. OH and myself were so upset but didn't want to let it show in front of the kids...how do you explain to 8 yeard olds what is going on?

When they left, I was attached to the drip as I wasn't allowed to eat or drink incase I was needed to be operated on today, I watched some tv but couldn't sleep.

I think I had the worst night sleep ever.. I tossed and turned and cried a lot.

The nurses were so good and so kind and the other women on the ward kept me going.

OH arrived about 9am this morning and it was a case of sitting around and waiting to find out by the scan.

At 10.30am we were called up to ultrasound...don't think I have ever been so scared, I was destined for the fact that there was going to be nothing there...at first the screen was blank but then there it was...my little baby... and a whoping loud heartbeat!

Relief!!! OH said I had the bigest smile ever and bless, he was in tears :)

My dates were correct, I'm due 13th April and get my next scan in 10 weeks.

Doc's told me to be careful now and relax as much as possible and any kind of pains like this again that I can go straight to the ward, I don't have to use A&E which is reassuring to know.

Double relief too is that I have one baby in there.... YEY! :cheer: ... how nice that must be!

My scan pic isn't so clear but I will try to post it when I work out how :shock:

Sorry my post is so long, I just needed to share my relief! :cheer: :dance:
Really glad that all was well in the end :hug: Sounds like a very worrying time for you all :( :hug: Did they say what they thought caused the pain?
So relieved for you, big hugs! :hug:

Now take every opp to lay back and reeeeellllaaaaaaaaax :wink:
The consultant gave it some kind of posh name but the registrar laughed and was honest and said that in fairness they didn't know.

They were just relieved that they saw the baby and heartbeat and all blood tests came back as they should have been.

His advise was to rleax and any concerns to contact them asap.

I made sure it was safe to see Robbie at Milton Keynes on Sat though! :D
Hello Bobbi :wave:

Glad you're all ok and can go to your concert :hug:
Thank you, it'sso nice to get supportive messages when you're not feeling great, I really apprecite it :D
soo glad you are all ok!!
you must have been terrified



glad your ok and the baby is okay take care of yourself and get plenty of ret get the oh to do all the housework :) :)
glad you are okay and the baby is ok take it easy and get the oh to do all the housework for you :hug: :hug:
Glad you and the bambino are ok- scan looks great :hug:

Enjoy Robbie on Saturday- I am sure he is just what the doctor ordered! :wink:
Thats a relief!!

Glad everything is OK, make sure you follow Dr's orders and relax!

Enjoy Mr Williams!
Wow what a scarey time. Glad everything is all okay though :cheer:
Oh my what a worry, I am so happy all was ok. xx
Hey there!
Glad everything went ok for you, i cant even begin to imagine how you must have been feeling. :hug: :hug:
Hiya, wasn't on last night so only just noticed this. Glad everything's okay and you got to see baby early! It must be such a relief.

(BTW congrats on just one baby- I know you were worying!)
so glad that everything went well, you must have got such a fright....

how wonderful to see that baby and the heart beating away !!!!!!!
Glad to hear all is well with you now, you must have had such a worrying time and I bet the releif was immense when you saw your little bobbi on the screen, with strong beating heart.

Thanks ladies... so nice to read your comments, they cheer me up and make me feel better! :hug: :D

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