Just home from A&E (lil update pg 2 x)


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Just home from A&E with Arianna :(

I was giving her her bath tonight after her dinner and she was doing her new game to stand up and then jump down landing on her bum to make a big splash.... well she did this and landed her girly bits onto one of her bath toys (the hardest one possible - one of those with the holes in to let the water drain out)... well she let out the biggest scream I have ever heard :(

I got her out the bath and she was bleeding down there :( I just got her dry into her PJ's gave her calpol and left for A&E.

The nurse checked her over and then the doctors... which she did not like at all!!!!!! Was screaming the place down whenever they tried to come near her :(
The bleeding finally stopped and thankfully it was just a little nick she had gave herself, so we had to hang around to double check that it didnt restart again. The doctors said that she will probably come out in a bruise by morning :(
She fell asleep at the hospital while we were waiting for the all clear to come home, so I have just put her in my bed for tonight, anytime she trys to roll over or get comfy she is letting out a little cry in her sleep :cry:

My poor baby :( :( :( :(
OH GOODNESS i shudderd when i read that, that must of hurt her so much bless the little poppet. i hope she isnt to bruised
Awwww poor Arianna.... :(

Hope she settles tonight and is feeling better by morning.

Poor little thing :hug:
Aw poor thing, I hope she manages to sleep ok tonight! :hug:
Owww poor little lady, and scary for you too!! that is so painful! i fell off my bike when i was little and bashed the handlebars into that area had bleeding and bruising and it was horrible :-(
Poor sweetheart ..hope it heals quick and doesnt cause too much pain! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww poor sweetheart :( I have hurt that area on the side of the bath when I have slipped getting out and its sooo sore :( Hope she heals soon :hug: :hug:
ooh poor little love, hope shes better soon, maybe some calpol would ease the pain? bless her :hug:
ohhh the little lamb :( that sounds like a sore one :( hope she has a good nights sleep :hug:
Awww poor love! :hug: Glad it's not any more serious though :hug:
Thanks everyone, so far she is fine. I have to change her nappy every 2hrs through the night so the cut isnt sitting wet.

She has taken some calpol so hopefully it eases the pain a little

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