Just had MW appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Just had MW appt and it was ok. Gave blood for the 16 week DS etc - she said if it's bad news they'll phone me within 7-10 days, and if I don't hear by then it should be ok and they'll send me a letter. Another thing to worry about...

She listened to the baby on the doppler and I've got to say I think I've been listening in the wrong place all this time! I told her I had one, and she said its quite a worry because most people (especially before a professional does it) are listening to their own heartbeat and getting false readings. At least I know it's ok now. She felt my tummy and said I'm exactly the right size for about 16 wks.

When she was giving me my next appt she asked when I was going for a 16 wk scan - I told her it's a 20 wk scan I'm getting but I feel a bit cheated now - would love to see it sooner! I'll just need to wait.

Did ask a few questions, but then the appt was over and she got up and held the door open - I'm ok about that though as she had other patients to see so it's not fair for me togo into their time.

God I really do talk a lot don't I?!! Sorry if I've bored you, just can't stop my fingers going when they start :lol:
Hi weenik,

It sounds like you had a good appointment, if not really long enough! Glad that she heard the heartbeat and it showed you where to check with your doppler. Please don't worry about the results - I got a letter in about 10 days and was low risk.

I've just had my 22 week m/w check which was pants! See my diary (link below) for all the info!

Valentine xxx
thanks V - I've just remembered one big thing I never got to speak to MW about is booking my parentcraft classes. I'll need to get on the phone or I'll never be able to get booked in :wall:
Glad you heard LO's heartbeat and all is well in there weenik
Very best wishes :hug:
Hi Weenik

sounds like your appointment went well. You might be able to find out about the parentcraft from your GP receptionist. My MW hasn't been available for my appointments but a very nice secretary gave me all the ante natal info. :)
I've just remembered one big thing I never got to speak to MW about is booking my parentcraft classes. I'll need to get on the phone or I'll never be able to get booked in
you have to send off the form by 24 weeks in Derby
cool so glad u heard it too, i too have mine at 20weeks 4days :)

doppler u got did u get it from uk or usa?

I got a heart listener but it dont work till 21weeks. I can hear baby making noises inside womb but cant hear heartbeat yet. dont think i be able to hear my lil ones till 24weeks as im small and so is my bump :lol:

Glad your appointment went well :)
You can usually tell if its yoru heart beat as its much slower then yoru LO's so if you time your HB a different way you will know if its LO's or not.
Thanks for the info re: parentcraft classes - called my MW and she is going to sort them for me. I kind of cheated with the doppler - my mum works for the Health Board so I now give my mum a loan of it if she needs it for work (about once a month). It's the same one MW used today

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