Just gas and Air???


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Been checking out the new arrival topics on here and so many of you girls have done it with just the old laughing gas!

I really want to do that if I possibly can - a) because I really don't like needles and having an epidural scares the bejesus out of me right now (although as someone once pointed out you're in so much pain you really don't care at the time).

OH keeps going on about PMA (positive mental attitude) which I have in spadeloads, so I'm determinted to persist with just breating and gas and air when Connor James makes his appearance in late January - but seriously ladies - how likely is it that I'll be able to do this????

Am I just kidding myself that bouncing on a birth ball and laughing like a hyena when the gas kicks in is going to be how I give birth to my son?!??!?
I honestly think it's all down to the individual. Some people have been able to do it, others haven't But by the sounds of it i i think you'd manage just fine!
Yeah the ideas nice, but not one for me, i'm too big a wimp!!
So you're thinking Edi-doodle then?
I'm thinking more along the lines of anything that'll take the pain away!
try and bear the pain for as long as possible without (until you're around 7 cm dilated prefarably. Then take some gas and air.

Some woman have the gas and air far too early on and it knackers them out puffing on it so they need more pain relief
Pushing isnt as bad as i thought it would be!
I can honestly say i found the contractions i felt between waking up and getting to the delivery room more painful... i think it depends on the person though, i would deff give it a go if you can :hug: :hug:
Eblinx said:
i found the contractions i felt between waking up and getting to the delivery room more painful... i think it depends on the person though, i would deff give it a go if you can :hug: :hug:

I would totaly agree with that. When I was induced they only realised I was in labour at 8cm. Try walking when when you have contractions and swaying your body. I found that helped. I to hate needles, but I had pethadine, I think I screamed more with the needle than I did the contractions :lol: ...so I WONT be having pethadine again. I didnt it mostly on gas & air to start with, which is amazing stuff if you use it correctly.

Ive got every faith in you only doing it on gas & air. As long as you concentrate and stay focused ...you'll be able to do it babe :hug: xx
Eblinx said:
Pushing isnt as bad as i thought it would be!
I can honestly say i found the contractions i felt between waking up and getting to the delivery room more painful... i think it depends on the person though, i would deff give it a go if you can :hug: :hug:

the pushing bits not painful at all. Its the contractions beforehand which are painful.

I like the pushing bit coz you're actually doing something
budge said:
Eblinx said:
Pushing isnt as bad as i thought it would be!
I can honestly say i found the contractions i felt between waking up and getting to the delivery room more painful... i think it depends on the person though, i would deff give it a go if you can :hug: :hug:

the pushing bits not painful at all. Its the contractions beforehand which are painful.

I like the pushing bit coz you're actually doing something

I can relate to that Budge. Just being in pain and doing nothing must be pretty hard to deal with. At least when your pushing it must focus you a bit more!
I had epidural with my first then pethadine with my second but i'm gonna try it with just gas and air this time if i can. With my second i thought there was no way i would cope without an epidural but as i couldn't have one any way it wasn't that bad.
Would be great to go without pain relief. I'm a wimp too but I'm gonna try it.
I think it all depends on the person & how quickly you dialate etc.. but try and go as much as you can without.
In my experience, going from 7-10cm was no more painful than 3-7cm, so I think if you get to 7cm with not even gas and air you've done very well and may cope fine to 10cm without the gas.

I agree the pushing part isn't painful (apart from pushing the head out of course but you don't mind that as it's one final hurdle before it's all over!) They took the gas away from me during this stage anyway, but I really didn't mind as the contractions didn't hurt at all, there was just an overwhelming urge to push.

Just keep an open mind ladies - no matter what you plan don't worry at all if it doesn't all go accordingly! And remember there are no prizes for not having pain relief!

I hope if I get my natural delivery that I can cope on gas & air, doubt it though :shock:
There may not be any prizes in your house but the rate my OH goes on about it there better be in mine. He keeps going on about how his other five mothers are all wimps (I know that isn't a liscence to be stupid so don't worry).
I just had gas & air and found it fan-bloody-tastic!! Mind you, my labour was only 4 hours from start to finish........ :shock:

They probably could of amputated my leg & I wouldn't of noticed with the stuff!!!!
im the biggest wimp going and did it with nothing :D needed gas n air for stitches tho
i had just gas and air with abigail and jordan, but i had nothing with tia!!!
hope i can do it this time as well with no pain releif at all

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