Just found out


Mar 21, 2005
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Im 5 weeks PG and due on the 24th Novemeber...

Already crossing my fingers that eveything is going to be OK..

Anyone else?
28 yrs old

i done a test Sunday and it was postitive and done another Monday to confirm...

Feeling great! no systoms really except swollen boobs! LOL

Ringing the doc's today.....

So how many weeks are you?
I'm about 8 and a half weeks. I've been feeling very sick for the last 2 weeks or so, only vomited twice thankfully, but seem to have gone off stuff that I normally love - mainly bread and tea which is very bizarre. Am also very sore up top and permanently knackered.

Am now waiting for a date for my first scan!

How did you get on at the docs?


Got the doc's tomorrow -

alreadying wishing my life away and wishing i was further down the line..

Mad ahh!

Ive been very emational today and had a row with the boyfreind..(not a good day)

I havnt told anyone im PG. Thinking i should tell my parents over the weekend.

what about u? told anyone?

No syptoms today - but had lower stomach cramps last night and leg pains wired!
How you?
i am also due on nov. 24th looks like we were busy around feb. 25th ha ha
Hiya Caneda

So do have you had any symptoms yet? how u feeling? have u seen your doctors?

Ive got my appt tonight!!

Sorry for all the questions....

PS I cant help being so excited! trying not to think about it!

Take care
Hi there, im 7wks and a day, still havnt seen the doc yet, the only symtom i have is sore bb's, is this normal or will the symtoms only start around this time. i so dont want morning sickness. Also im single and totally terrified, anyone else in this boat
Hi, I don't know if i have symptoms my breasts are sore and i had spicy crab soup for breakfast today. i don't crave coffee anymore, or pizza and i tend to be tired more. i am going to my 1st doctors appointment on tuesday. little nervous i had a misscarriage in m 8th week the last time.
Oh hun im sorry! best of luck at the doctors and let me know how you go......

Im not in line now until Tuesday - so we can swop doctor stories then

woot congrats to you all......im expecting my 3rd baby on 2nd nov and know that the time is going to fly by lol

I am about 4-5 weeks preganant and like others I want to be further down the line of preganancy!

Can't wait!!

My husband had been trying for about 5 months and are really excited, but at the same time a bit scared incase anything goes wrong. Are any others feeling like this. Baby should be due 23rd November.

Sarah :wink:
Sorry that should say my husband and I!!!!! My husband wouldn't get anywhere on his own!!! :lol:
Hi Ladies

I had my doctors appt Thursday and he was really nice, funny chap. I just joined this surgury. He didnt retest me and just said " act normal nothing has changed and carry on as normal, even have sex!"

How funny -

I asked him abor sushi and my running and he replied Japannese women have babies all the time, you can est sushi and that i could carry on running!.....

I was disappointed when he said that I would have to wait to 12-14 weeks for my scan! it seems so far away......

How eveyone feeling? i seem to be getting very hot at night and sweated alot in bed last night (nice) is that normal?

wishing evenyone well and any updates on other appt?

My doc didnt retest me either, after i said i have done 3 tests and they were all positive! I have been getting very tired and also hot at night, it is normal so dont worry. I know it seems so far away when you are only 5 -6 weeks to have to wait another 6 weeks for a scan!
Hi All, I went for my 1st visit yesterday i am 5 weeks along very hungry in the morning. I don't get as hungry at night anymore. weird dreams , little nauseaus when i wake up. doctor says to come back on the 11t for my ultrasound. breakfast today is taylor ham and egg on a poppy seed bagel with salt pepper ketchup. i am also going to bed 3 houes earlier than usual.........
Hello all ... I am just over 5 weeks and due on Nov. 28th!

This this is my 6th pregnancy ... But, I do not have 6 kids. I have 3 wonderful and healthy children, and those 3 pregnancys were easy and fine.But my lat 2 were tough. In Nov 2002 ... at 6 weeks, I heard baby's HB and had a U/S ... was told I had a tear in the placenta. At 8 weeks with another U/S I was told there was no HB and I would miscarry naturally. But, I didn't, so I had a D and C at 11 weeks. I was crushed!! The following year in Oct 2003, I had a positive pregnancy test, but at a
7 weeks U/S was told I had a blighted ovum (empty sac). No baby was there, just just and empty sac. Again, was told I would miscarry naturally, but, I didn't ... I couldn't believe it. It was a fluke of misfortune. I had another D and C at 12 weeks!!

Today I am over 5 weeks pregnant and very positive. I had all prenatal labs done and on Monday the DR. told me everything looks fanastic!! I go for my U/S on April 12th ... I am very excited and very nervous. I pray everyday that all will be alright. I always thought I would have 4 or 5 kids ... this pregnancy is my miracle.

I am 37y ... my husband is shocked ... we gave up "really trying" in the fall ... we haven't prevented, and I wasn't counting and taking temperatures anymore ... so this just happened! i guess I was more relaxed.

I prayed all last year saying:
"Please God, I have a wonderful family with 3 great children (10y,7y,5y)and a husband that adores me. I don't have any needs ... please don't let me get pregnant again, IF You are going to take my angel away. I want another baby, but only if it is right and YOUR will. "

I gave up thinking it would happen because I didn't get pregnant last year ... Then last week I found out I was pregnant ....

I have a very serial feeling ... I know everything is going to be OK.

So, I wish for all of you good things. Please keep me in your prayers, as I will all you!!!

Take Care and God Bless!!! :D
Im sorry to hear of all the previous problems you have experianced, Im scared everyday something will happen, but I keep trying to be positive! I hope everything works out great for you this time around, take it easy and all the best of luck

N xx

I'm 5 weeks today so I'm due on Nov 30th I think! This is No 1 for us both, we're both 29. I've only told my parents and we're going to keep it that way hopefully until 12 weeks. We only told them because my husband is so squeamish (faints at the thought of blood!) that I wanted my Mum on standby in case anything goes wrong. She's offered to be my birth-partner if they still have such a thing so that's cool.

So far my boobs are getting bigger (yay!) and I'm really tired and hungry mid-afternoon and I get cramps in my legs and toes at night. I keep thinking about broccoli and I've had it three times this week already so maybe that's a craving or maybe I'm just odd!

I know what you mean about the mixture of joy and fear. I skipped ahead to the bits about caring for newborns yesterday and freaked myself out about room temperature and supporting heads and stuff! Mum said she couldn't believe it when the hospital let her leave with me (I'm the eldest) as she was sure she'd do something wrong. I suppose it's all very natural!

Look forward to growing bigger with you all :)

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