Just for fun- 12 week scan gender predictions

Charlene09 and jj mum you both guessed right!!! I'm having a GIRL!!! :)

i know its hard to see and it choose to be upside down on the scan day but i cant see the nub? Im not sure what im looking for anyway, so any ideas on the sex?

fingers crossed my gutfeeling is right..
my first reaction was girl then boy then back to girl so i say GIRL isobel :) xx
your due date is on my birthday.. must be a special baby ;)
Hard to tell upside down and it seems like baby is leaning towards the left slightly, if I were to guess I say girl! Cute pic!
Hi girlies, i had my scan on Monday and my mum asked if he could tell the sex this eraly an the sonographer metioned the nub theory, both boys and girls have the nub, but boys point upwards at a 30 degree angle and girls nubs are horizontle, take a look at thia link, also go to the link at the bottom of this link and it shows photos of more scans and boya and girls parts at 9 weeks there completely identicle!! plus the bubba has to be lyeing quite flat in the pic for you to be able to tell, this link is good though!!

Ive got 2 boys already and would love a girl but mine has a boy num and the sonographer didnt correct me when i pointed it out!! x x x

Have you got a scan pic to put up Gem? I have 2 boys too and would love a girl but people have been saying I'm having another boy by looking at it's nub. We'll have to wait and see in 4 weeks!

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