Chinese gender - how accurate?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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The only posts I read about Chinese gender prediction test is that it was right, I'm sure this can't possibly be the case!
Interested to know, if you already know your gender maybe you could do the test for fun and see and let us know??

My gender prediction says Girl and my 20 week scan is next week. I'm just curious!

mine was right.... conceived in march and 25years old = BOY :)

mine said boy for me but have confirmed it three times that im having a girl! xx
My gender prediction said Girl and it turned out to be a little Mister!
It's just 50/50 chance can't possibly tell u but I found out today I'm having a boy & it predicted boy for me x
ok so only 50% success rate for all the replies so far! Lol Not so good really then!
It predicted a boy for me, but I've just found out I'm having a girl... so not correct for me!
You have to make sure you figure out your chinese age when you do it too. Mine said girl and I am having a girl :)
Mine predicted a girl but i am definitely having a boy!!
Mine has predicted a girl, we'll find out in 4 months! :) x
My prediction said a boy, but on my scan today I was told a girl, so wasn't acurate for me:)
So far 3 right, 4 wrong and one who will find out in 4 months time!!!
My prediction was boy, scan says girl (I guess we will see for certain when LO appears but looks like it is wrong).
It will probably be more accurate if you calculate your lunar age which you can ask google.
Chinese prediction was right for me after all, It's a girl!!!
Mine said I would have a Girl but I'm having a Boy
Sometimes I think its good at guessing others its not. x
it's wrong for me i was predicted a girl and i'm having a little boy!
Mine has said i'm having a boy, but my dad and my brother both think im having a girl which i kinda think too lol :P xx

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