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Just Don't Know What To Do.... :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Everything we do with Luke at the moment is a battle and I've had enough. :( I feel like I can't cope with him. I'm not usually that bad but this week has been really hard. I've had a stomach bug which lasted 4 days so had zero energy, on top of that a cold and good old AF. Luke's had a cold for about 2 weeks now and is cutting his first 2 teeth.

He won't really eat. He doesn't even want his porridge in the mornings which prior to this week, he loved. We're trying to pander to him and give him what we know he likes but it isn't working. No matter what we offer, he doesn't want it. Finger food goes on the floor. He barely sleeps in the day at all. If he does it is the odd 10 minutes here and there, nowhere near enough. He's ending up in our bed with us at night which means we don't get a good sleep either and after a horrendous breakfast this morning and a massive screaming fit from him, I ended up shouting at him and then crying my eyes out.

Nappy changes are just horrible. He twists and turns and screams at us. Tries to grab everything in sight and even if we give him a toy, he chucks it on the floor. I'm tempted to just change him on the mat on the floor now so there is less distraction :roll:

Is it teething? Is it the cold? Is the cold and teething combined making him go off his food and making things taste bad? He's pulling faces like we are feeding him poison. I just don't get it. I'm dreading each day at the moment and I hate it. I should be looking forward to my days with him, but right now they're just far from happy 80% of the time.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :wall: :wall: :wall:

We just don't know what to do with him.
Evie had a spell very similar to this just before her two bottom teeth came through. It could have just been co-incidence but I think it was the teeth that caused it.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
can you get someone to have him for the afternoon just to give you a break???
Is he crawling yet hun? I seem to remember someone saying babies are a nightmare when they are building up to a milestone, maybe combined with teething? When Eva wont eat I just give her extra boob feeds and try not to worry, i dont think babies can starve themselves at this age :(
Poor you its so hard when nothing you do seems to please them :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you all feel better soon xxx

Lily had a phase like this, I was told on here I think that it is a phase they go through at some point from 7-9months. Lily only lasted about a week doing it but it felt like so much more. And you still manage on a changing table?! :clap: I gave up and moved to the floor as soon as she sat up lol those olympic twists were just a bit to much for me to handle up high :lol:

Hope he give mummy a break soon :hug:
He's not crawling yet, no. I hope it is just a phase, coupled with the cold and teething.

Mummy & Daddy can't take much more.

I take my hat off to single parents, I must say.
Debbie, I just logged on to make a post saying EXACTLY the same.

For the last week Evie has been a NIGHTMARE. I hate saying it but for the first time in 6 months I have found myself thinking "oh My God. Why did I have a Baby?!" I turned round and shouted at her this morning, which worked for about 2 seconds til she just screamed louder.

She has a horrendous cold- she's tummy shuffling accross the floor and then screaming when she gets stuck. She wont sit still, she wont sit in her highchair, she wont lay in her cot. She's been so miserable this week that I have started t wonder if I am doing something wrong. The worse thing is when I try and explain to other people how much I need a break they look at me like I'm mental because she's being an angel :roll: :twisted:

:pray: I'm praying this is just a phase (and we're nearing the end of it!). You say hats off to single parents- I say hats off to couples who manage not to kill each other through sleep depravation and the constant screeching! :clap:
Jade&Evie said:
:pray: I'm praying this is just a phase (and we're nearing the end of it!). You say hats off to single parents- I say hats off to couples who manage not to kill each other through sleep depravation and the constant screeching! :clap:

There is that too I guess. We did have to stop for a second this morning amongst all the screaming and agree that we need to work together. It's easy to lose your head and start taking it out on one another which achieves nothing but more misery in the long run because you end up not talking. :wall: Been there, done that, it wasn't fun. :?

Luckily Matt is a much calmer person that me and much more reasonable. If he was like me... we'd be in trouble. I'm a Leo though and that's my excuse (and I'm sticking to it) :roll:
DebbieM said:
Jade&Evie said:
:pray: I'm praying this is just a phase (and we're nearing the end of it!). You say hats off to single parents- I say hats off to couples who manage not to kill each other through sleep depravation and the constant screeching! :clap:

There is that too I guess. We did have to stop for a second this morning amongst all the screaming and agree that we need to work together. It's easy to lose your head and start taking it out on one another which achieves nothing but more misery in the long run because you end up not talking. :wall: Been there, done that, it wasn't fun. :?

Luckily Matt is a much calmer person that me and much more reasonable. If he was like me... we'd be in trouble. I'm a Leo though and that's my excuse (and I'm sticking to it) :roll:

OH and I work pretty well as a team. If Evie really kicks off we take it in turns to have her... OH will take her for a walk to give me a break for an hour...or I'll take her out shopping for an hour so he can have a break.

OH is also much calmer than me... I tend to get stressed out and upset that I can't console her and I forget that she actually doesn't want consoling sometimes!
eek - sending you and Jade hugs. I wouldn't stress the food thig too much, food before the gae of one is only for learning and for having fun with. If he is teething and has a cold he probably wants boob more for the comfort. Keep offering finger foods but just make them easy so you won't feel down if he refuses themor just chucks them on the floor - cucumber sticks are fab and Cally loves them chilled when she was teething. Toast, steamed veg - takes a few mins and if he doesn't eat them you haven't wasted toomuch time. I found when Seren was going through this not sleeping during the day, the best thing was to take her for a walk. I did it around the same time each day and she would eventually fall asleep and being out in the fresh air really helped me too. I also would go to bed and just feed her, we would usually end up dozing.
Does it help if I say that DD is going through a similar phase right now - and she's 3!

She's driving me bonkers, everything I do she moans about it, she's just so twiney and wants everything to be done "just so", her way or she moans. If she answers back to me one more time I'll scream! Thank god she's at nursery for a while so I can have a break, she'll be perfectly fine at nursery, really well behaved and then she'll come home and be the same again!

I'm hoping it's just a phase and it'll pass soon, I guess if I think about it she does this every so often but it doesn't help at the time!
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I agree with Beanie re the food.. Don't worry to much about it. He won't starve.

Have you got an activity centre? The ones where they kind stand like a walker but it's in 1 position and lots of toys around the edge. It gave me a lot of free time when Jack was going through that same stage. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww, just wanted to give you some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: it is so difficult when the LO goes thru this stage. I always think that, aside from teething, which is horrible for them, poor little things, it can also be frustration, cos they are still small and although they want to do things, they cant quite do them by themselves and get frustrated easily...like crawling for instance.

Hope it passes soon,

babies are completely incapable of intentionally starving themselves. Lil miss has gone of her food recently, and Tia used to do it too... especially just after a growth spurt where the previous week they were shovelling the food away. All of a sudden they hate it.

Also just before they become mobile they do turn into little monsters, because they are so frustrated. Lil miss signs a lot of what she wants and she tends to tell me what and where she wants to go so subsequently she has had less issues.. .BUT the I WANT paddies are horrific... she rolls on her back, kicking and screaming, bangs her head on the floor, bites, throws toys around, just because I said no... she said yes... I said no and took it away... :rotfl: Also she is incredibly mischievous. I have to be on top of her all the time... and that is truly exhausting. Yesterday she slept for 10 minutes and was up at 6am went to bed at 9pm. She pulls out all the draws... can open a bolted cupboard door...turn on the taps... empties the bins... eats things shes not supposed too... keeps open and closing doors and hurting or trapping herself...making a b line for shoes and putting them in her mouth... climbs under the beds/coffee table and gets stuck...and throws a paddy when something gets stuck, she can't reach it... or I take it off her. I find myself shouting at lil miss, especially when she keeps going for something I've said "NO" you can't have 18974937298748932734 times, but she just giggles at me and goes back to doing what she was doing... so I'm really wasting my breath.

Its honestly just a phase they grow out of. You just hope you don't sell them on ebay before then... :lol:
We had a similar few weeks just before crawling was established then it was all better as if by magic and she was so happy and content.

Fingers crossed the phase ends soon for you and Jade :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can sympathise...Finn has gone from having a tummy bug to a cold, then a tooth came through and now he's got chickenpox. He seems to have been ill for ever... :hug:
How is Luke today Deb?

If Evie's too bad today I'm leaving her with all the other monkeys at the zoo! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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