Just been to out of hours doctor


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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DS got really ill today, he woke up fine but then went downhill from about 10am. He's had a really high temperature and been really droopy & drowsy, and not eating. I've kept an eye on it and he had some calprufen. Then about 8pm I took his temp & it was 39 under his arm so I called NHS Direct & they sent us to the out of hours doctor at the hospital.

I'm so annoyed, she didn't even take his temperature! She looked in his mouth & ears & said it's a virus & he'll be fine. I asked at what point I should get worried - if he's still ill by the weekend for example, and she just said 'he won't be'. :evil:

I don't think I was expecting much from her, just a bit of friendly reassurance maybe? But she was so dismissive and just made me feel like I was wasting her time.

DS's just fallen asleep on daddy but he's still really hot & I'm still worried about him, hopefully he'll be better by morning though.

Bloody doctor's made me feel like crap though.
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Grr how annoying.

Make sure he has plenty to drink and give him lots of cuddles :) Hope he gets better soon.
Thats poop... A virus should only last a maximum of 48 hours really before it starts to break. If they are still ill by then then theres something else and you should see someone else.. tbh if he's still ill tomorrow take him as an emergency to your own doctor. :shakehead:

When lil miss was ill a few weeks back we took lil miss as an emergancy to the doctor, who sent us to the hospital for further tests with a suspected urine infection and as the next day was a bank holiday, they didn't want to do it.. the doctor at the hospital was completely dismissive saying it was a virus, basically told us we were paniky first time parents... (so I told him my eldest was 8 and had had meningitis, so I know what ill really is and wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for our doctor telling us we had to be.. considering this was a Wednesday and lil miss had had a temp since the Saturday, I KNEW it wasn't a virus. He still sent us home with nothing.. lil miss continued to be ill until we went back to see the doctor on the Friday and it was THEN that we FINALLY got her antibiotics..

Some doctors are completely useless... its amazing they've gone to uni for 8 years. :roll:

Do what Urchin says... she has three kids and sounds like she knows a lot more than your on call doctor.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies. He's probably not that bad but it's so different to how he normally is, he usually runs around all day completely hyper! So for him to sit quietly & cuddle for 12 hours is unheard of!

He's still sleeping now, I'm just worried about going to bed & leaving him in his room on his own. But he'll get too hot if he comes in with us, even on top of the duvet our house is roasting.
Willow had a viral infection and had a high temp that got up to 39.9 she was so hot and not herself but they kept dismissing me to but i didnt give up i kept taking her back after 2 weeks of being unwell she now has a ear infection and is on antibiotics so hopefully this will now be the end of it as her temp is now normal.

we put willow to bed in just a nappy but she wont sleep unless she is in her growbag luckily it is a thin one and we had a fan on her all night.

hope he feels better very soon.
how is austin now? is he better, its horrible when they are ill and it saddens me to think they couldn't give you better reassurance xx :hug:
aww hun..read my thread above about christopher..all i can say is trust ur instinct, thats what i did as i knew christopher was ill and didnt have a virus/tummy bug/urine infection like all four docs told us. if u know he is unwell then go see anothr doctor thats what we did and turned out he had very bad tonsilitis that the other 4 docs had missed..see my thread !

if u think he is ill - go back to the docs hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope Austin, and you, are both feeling better in the morning, the Doctors sound terrible there, they really should be more supportive and take time to make you feel reassured, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, thanks for your replies :hug:

He's much better now, his fever had pretty much gone by the next day & although he wasn't back to himself 100% he seems to be happier now. I'd rather be wrong 100 times than miss the time it is serious though & I'm still a bit peed off with the doc for making me feel stupid.

Rhian I really hope Christopher is feeling better now that they've actually worked out what's wrong :hug:
glad he is better hun, christopher had tonsilitis in the end - very nasty too :x

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