Just been for my appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Firstly she went into detail about wheni went for my scan on my overies, they are polycystic, very enlarged and had quite a few cysts, he didnt tell me the last 2 things last time, said there was only a couple, dont know whether he was trying to make me feel better but thats not very proffesional is it :roll: Hoping they are a bit better soon. I found out from previous tests that my progesterone is fine :dance: Going for my day 5 blood on fri to see how my estrogen (sp) levels are, got to go back for day 21 bloods, thyroid test and also a swap and internal examination :dance: I cant believe how helpful she was im so pleased she didnt just fob me off and is very willing to help me with all the tests so next appt is for my day 5 bloods, not great news bout what the doc 'forgot' to tell me last time but im happy things are getting sorted, im so happy :cheer: Thanks for all of your support ladies, love you all :hug:
glad things are getting sorted for you hun good luck with all your tests xxxxxxxxx
Im glad they are looking into to it more for you!
Good luck with all your future tests hun and hope the polycystic ovaries do improve :hug:
Well im glad they looked into it for you Mel, looks like your slowly getting there! :D
A step forward and maybe a light at the end of the tunnel to get things in order! Thanks for the update! Good luck hun! :hug:
your so lucky to have doctors like that, hope things improve for ya hun :hug:
Thankyou for all of your kind words, tbh i am on a high, even if i find out it will take a long time or may never get pg, at least i will know whats happening and not putting myself through torture every month, every day i feel so much more blessed that my pill messed up and hope was concieved as i may have gone on to not be able to have any kids, shes a miricle and i love her more now than ever, she really is a gift from god, miricles happen for a reason :hug:
aww that's great! Your doctor sounds lovely, there really are some fantastic ones out there... sounds like she's going to help you get to the bottom of this, at least then you'll know what's going on and where you stand :hug:
Littlelady87 said:
Thankyou for all of your kind words, tbh i am on a high, even if i find out it will take a long time or may never get pg, at least i will know whats happening and not putting myself through torture every month, every day i feel so much more blessed that my pill messed up and hope was concieved as i may have gone on to not be able to have any kids, shes a miricle and i love her more now than ever, she really is a gift from god, miricles happen for a reason :hug:

Oh that is so lovely and what a little miracle! I also believe that things/miracles happen for a reason even if its painful until you get there! I'm glad that at least you have some answers and can find some positivity from what they have said. Lets keep :pray: that the BFP isnt so far away!
Every time some one says 'your lucky to have one' it makes me believe in god tbh, my oh didnt want me to have her and im so thankfull i stuck to my guns and told him i was having her, shes the only thing that keeps me going somedays :hug:
thats good news chick.. even if there is a little down note in there too.
I know people say you are lucky to have Hope but it still doesnt make any of it easier.
:hug: :hug:

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