Just back from midwife not good :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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I thought things were going too smoothly ! Just back from midwife appointment I'm 36+4 but she says I'm measuring 43 !!!! OMG how the hell has that happened in 2 weeks ! I've always measured 1 - 2 weeks ahead but they always said nothing to worry about and im never too convinced by the hit and miss way some of the midwives measure me and to be fair this one was a different one and seemed very young (thought she was a student at first) I've got to see consultant and possibly have a scan on Wednesday and I'm worried.
If it is the case I'm defo insisting on a section after OBEM this week there is NO way I'm putting this precious little man at risk.
Oh hun that doesn't sound good. Hopefully the scan will put ur mind at ease xx
They have picked it up quick enough, and let's see what the scan says. Like you said they are a bit hit and miss with the measuring.
how tall are you? cos i am a short arse and the midwife told me the fundal measuring can be knocked to pot if you're a little one...
Im 5ft 5 and I really wouldn't say I'm that big pregnancy wise
Also remember that all it can take is for baby to move into a funny position and can make your bump massive so it may not be baby is big
I've always measured 2 weeks ahead since 24 weeks but midwife said nothing to worry about i also had growth scan at 29 weeks which showed my little girls stomach on top line of percentile chart but got by nhs consultant this within normal guidelines and just baby growing well. Then i had a private babybond scan at 31 weeks and showed babys estimated weight as 5lbs 1oz and measuring 2-3 weeks ahead so suggested i speak to my midwife and have gtt had this done at 32 weeks found out at nearly 33 weeks i had GD and went and saw diabetic clinic following week who suggested diet control first but this didn't work so got put on one metform a day this hasn't worked so suggestde 2 a day and get consultant and scan booked had a scan 2 days ago and babys stomach now measuring over 40 weeks and estimated weight now is 8lbs I've been booked in for induction for 38 weeks and in hospital at the moment having steroid injections to help babys lungs. But the injections also play havoc with blood sugar levels so having them took every hour since 10pm last night i am so tired
Hope it's something straightforward and a mistake with measuring I really don't want to risk this precious little one after seeing OBEM this week it's frightened me whitless ! Like I said I really don't think I'm huge.
Awwww sayer82 sounds like you are having a real bad time of it hope everything goes ok.
my mw just came round for 36 week check and birth plan chat and didnt even measure me lol. and i forgot to do a urine sample too doh and she asked at start but then she forgot aswell. next app is the 23rd
Im sure you will be fine hun as whilst I've been here midwife doctors have measured my fundl height as spot on for dates lol its so inaccurate way of doing things the scan will be better guide but this can also be out sometimes too the later it is done. Yeah i saw OBEM and its scared me too but i trust the midwifes and doctors we are in good hands x
Hope all goes ok for you on Wednesday, I'm sure it will. Measurements really can be hit and miss and could be how baby is lying and with someone different measuring you.

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