Just a suggestion want thoughts


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Hi all, cant sleep and been thinking (very dangerous!) so you all might poo poo idea!

There is a dad/dad to be bit on forum but not that I have seen a bit for dh's, oh's, or partners of us ttc gang.
I'm fairly new and when I first came on hubby was hovering over shoulder and said "oh a dad or dad to be bit well I'm neither of those yet am I" think he's jealous and wants in on the action really!!

But seriously they must have questions too and I think it would help them like it helps us to talk.

What does any one reckon and if people like idea how could we get it set up?
There have been a few male members in the TTC section (names escape me at this silly time of day!) :lol:

Anyone is welcome in here - dont think we need a new section as such! Tbh, most of the men that are members on here post in all sorts of the sections :)

Tell your OH to sign up as the advert at the top of the page says...
A place for Mums and Dads to talk about trying to conceive, pregnancy and becoming a parent. With free registration and quick and easy sign-up, it's a great place to talk about everything to do with trying to conceive, with pregnancy, and so much more!
LouF said:
Hi all, cant sleep and been thinking (very dangerous!) so you all might poo poo idea!

There is a dad/dad to be bit on forum but not that I have seen a bit for dh's, oh's, or partners of us ttc gang.
I'm fairly new and when I first came on hubby was hovering over shoulder and said "oh a dad or dad to be bit well I'm neither of those yet am I" think he's jealous and wants in on the action really!!

But seriously they must have questions too and I think it would help them like it helps us to talk.

What does any one reckon and if people like idea how could we get it set up?

My DH has joined PF (AJ JELLY :) ) but does not really post for some reason :think: I just asked why and he said that because he is not a dad or dad to be he feels like he does not have anything to do with the dads/dads to be section but he did say that once I do get pg then he will more likely join in.

Must be a man thing :roll: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Sarah and AJ,

Just been chatting to Mick and he said he's not that bothered about coming on forum if he can chat to me about it!! Blooming men and they say we change our minds!!
Asked him to enlighten me a bit as to his comment about the dad/dad to be bit remark the other day and he said "well I was only saying!" :? :?

Well it's true men are from mars I give up trying to second guess!!! :lol: :lol:
omg, I've had to guilt my dh into giving a crap! :lol: Not really, but I started bawling the other day b/c I felt like I was ttc by myself (which, as we all know, is pretty much impossible, but...) and I think he's worried that it'll happen again! The crying, not the bd-ing...he doesn't mind that so much. :D
Mick cares about us getting preg and as to why we arent but He is quite private really and I dont think men have grasped problem shared idea ( MARS again)

He hates me getting upset and crying and with all these hormones, emotions and maybe only me a bit of jealous feelings (which I hate) its hard not to sometimes.

I asked him if he minds me coming on the forum not cause I would listen anyway! but because seem to have spent all recent spare time on here and he said babe if it makes you happy and not cry so much its cool with me :D :D :D
mine cares too but doesn't see what there is to talk about - to him it either happens or it doesn't. :roll:
Hi Rose, think our two men would get on great guns!!!!! Saw your post on chartstalkers I think to budabun feel same to so big hug to you :hug: but I am pleased for her and also gives us all a bit of hope too x x x
don't get me wrong - I'm really really pleased for her!! hope I get mine too though! :lol:
I know when are you due to test rose sorry I should know a bit about you but bit new and been abit selfish and asked more questions and not spent enough time reading yet!!
due to test 18th december!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

not had af since mid november so going to the doctor tomorrow as on day 60 of my cycle

when's your testing date?
60 days wow that must be a record or soomething! Only joking its not funny is it all this ttc, Our story bit of an essay really if you want can type it all, I think next af due 7th feb as got the cow on sunday after nearly 2 weeks of feeling preg and we have been ttc 2yrs and not had symptoms of preg before. Any way being on here has been massive help to me and have today started charting at home and see how we get on. We have 1st fertility clinic app in feb too bit of our history in that post (fertility clinic by sammy)( I think, bit further down list from this one) if your interested. Whats your story?

ever since i gave birth my DF has been exasperatedly saying "what r u doing on that laptop? PREGNANCY forum? ur not pregnant!!!" :lol:

he's always threatening to sign up just to cause chaos :roll: but i kno he wont really he's only teasing! he pretends to be bothered but i dont think he really is! think he's just bemused that i spend so much time on here- and he quite enjoys the fact that i now out-geek him in some respects (i used to be sooooooooo anti-computers i thought they were for the biggest nerds ever! :lol: )
2 years, poor you - that's a long time. i think i saw that post but a bit tired to remember details - sorry. sorry the witch got you - good luck at the clinic

not much of a story really. Been ttc since April, came off the pill a month before that which wasn't long but never mind. periods were fairly regular - started at 45 days 1st cycle off the pill then 38 then since then it's been 31/32 until last cycle (i wont say month) when I went til day 45 nd got af the day I went to the doctors about it!! typical!

anyway i ov'd 1st december then probably again on christmas eve. expecting af as had cramps on and off for weeks now and gass (sorry - tmi) and been very tired (everything's a bit dizzying if i look too hard and have a tiredness headache) but also have lots of cm (more tmi) which i don't understand.
trixipaws said:

ever since i gave birth my DF has been exasperatedly saying "what r u doing on that laptop? PREGNANCY forum? ur not pregnant!!!" :lol:

he's always threatening to sign up just to cause chaos :roll: but i kno he wont really he's only teasing! he pretends to be bothered but i dont think he really is! think he's just bemused that i spend so much time on here- and he quite enjoys the fact that i now out-geek him in some respects (i used to be sooooooooo anti-computers i thought they were for the biggest nerds ever! :lol: )

mine wrks in it - no way i ould outgeek him!! pretty sure i now outgeek most people though! :shock: :wink:
Know what you mean Trixie I'm still learing to use my laptop, (takes me ages to type not good being as I'm a blooming chatterbox), I have to keep asking Mick to help me with things!!
I would love to get him to put me a picture on my name bit and would love some ticker flashy things but we both have cold and of course his is worse!! Plus he has cold sore poor thing (no snogging :( ) so will leave asking for help to the weekend!!!
Rose: no worries about AF dr said I could have been preg so positive side of me says well at least we can concieve I think!!
Anyway did you go to the dr in the end if not I would give them a kick up the bum say you are distraught with all this and want some help/action plus add in that the stress wont be helping.

Only advice I can give cause not to sure about iregular cycles x x x x x
i went last time (when af showed up that morning) and she said i may have been pregnant but it was a friday and i needed fmu so had to use monday's pee and had bfn on their tests too. going again tomorrow (so expecting af any second now! :lol: ) to see a different doctor. not really sure what i'll say feel a bit silly as still getting bfns so pretty sure I'm not pregnant
Think you should be asking for some blood tests of some kind see whats going on and just tell them all you can and see what they reckon and if they have no answer then say well can you refer me to a specialist as mum say they are gps as in General they dont specialise in any area and I think you need some answers x x
cunning plan! I don't plan on leaving until I have some kind of answer or test done! (will do another home test before i leave in the morning too)

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