July / August 2022 Due Dates Thread

How is everyone? We had a scan on 18th dec, everything all good and we saw the heart beating <3 We have a due date of 3rd August! Our next scan is 12th January. The last couple of weeks have been on and off symptoms. Sometimes I feel like there is something wrong as some days I feel fine but then other days I’m feeling rough and sick. Hope everything is ok.
How is everyone? We had a scan on 18th dec, everything all good and we saw the heart beating <3 We have a due date of 3rd August! Our next scan is 12th January. The last couple of weeks have been on and off symptoms. Sometimes I feel like there is something wrong as some days I feel fine but then other days I’m feeling rough and sick. Hope everything is ok.

Hi all good here thank you, waiting for 12 week scan on 17th Jan. Feeling sick 24/7 and just so exhausted!
I'm sure you will be fine, in my last pregnancy symptoms came and went and I had a healthy baby boy x
Hi all. I’m pregnant with my first. Roughly 8 weeks, due august 15th. I just need some advise/reassurance. I feel so weird. Very very dizzy, headaches and out of it. I’m constantly tired and spend my days laying on the sofa. Nausea comes and goes. Is this normal, ? Not to mention the depression creeping up, I feel so sad!
Hi all. I’m pregnant with my first. Roughly 8 weeks, due august 15th. I just need some advise/reassurance. I feel so weird. Very very dizzy, headaches and out of it. I’m constantly tired and spend my days laying on the sofa. Nausea comes and goes. Is this normal, ? Not to mention the depression creeping up, I feel so sad!
I honestly felt just awful my first 3 months.. physically and emotionally. It’s rough to feel bad constantly and takes a toll on your mental health. Just try to not blame yourself for needing so much rest and not being up to your normal tasks. Hormones are to blame. I hope you feel better soon!
Hi all. I’m pregnant with my first. Roughly 8 weeks, due august 15th. I just need some advise/reassurance. I feel so weird. Very very dizzy, headaches and out of it. I’m constantly tired and spend my days laying on the sofa. Nausea comes and goes. Is this normal, ? Not to mention the depression creeping up, I feel so sad!

Have you had your iron levels checked? It’s normal to feel a little dizzy but if it’s effecting you I’d say it’s worth checking. I’ve had anaemia in pregnancy and having zero energy and constant dizziness were my two biggest signs.
Hope your blood test went well @Georgiia

I have my scan on Monday, counting down the days! I'm absolutely huge so I'm worrying about seeing 2 babies on the screen haha. Sickness is finally tailing off and I've had a bit more energy the last couple of days! Bring on that second tri.
Hope everyone else is well x
How’s everyone doing? We had a scan last week however I was too early to have measurements taken. So back again for another tomorrow. I’m still very tired and nauseous off and on. Boobs are very sore too!
My scan was okay thank you. Measuring a week behind with dates, which is a bit annoying haha. Due date now 5th August, making me 13 weeks today.
Still feeling very tired and nauseous. Hope everyone is well.
:wave: 23+2 and doing well(ish) here. Anatomy scan went perfectly but I’m already on crutches due to SPD! I feel like I’m at the end of tri 3 and haven’t even hit the start of it lol. It’s going to be a long 17 weeks..

How’s everyone else?
:wave: 23+2 and doing well(ish) here. Anatomy scan went perfectly but I’m already on crutches due to SPD! I feel like I’m at the end of tri 3 and haven’t even hit the start of it lol. It’s going to be a long 17 weeks..

How’s everyone else?

Ahh I'm so sorry you've got SPD! I suffered horrendously with my first, started at 16 weeks. I'm 21+1 today and feeling great tbh. It's a girl this time so may be the difference! All good this end xx

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