joint xmas present for 1 and 2 year old?!

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Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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i'm so so stuck! i want to get the girls something joint, cos whatever i get they'll both play with anyway, so there's no point in me getting them both little bits, when i can get them something really nice together!

i was going to get a wooden farm set, but then mum said she's got all our old farm stuff still! then thought about a play kitchen, but i've not got space really! obvs as money's a bit tight, i dont want to spend ridiculous amounts! am going for a big present off santa, little stocking with a few bits off santa and then a present each off mummy i think! they're still too young to understand anyway really! plus their birthdays are in november too!

any ideas?
Do they like peppa pig? They do some great toys. Or something else they both like, like dora the explorer? Or a dolls house? x x
They're not massively into any of the tv things! Well, cept pippin off come outside! And I'm sure as he'll not buyin them a dog :rofl: I was thinking a dolls house! I want something special they can use for years!
my dad made my dolls house and i loved it :love: we've still got it cos its so special to me, probably should try for a baby girl so i can have a reason to keep it!!!
my dad made my dolls house and i loved it :love: we've still got it cos its so special to me, probably should try for a baby girl so i can have a reason to keep it!!!

Give yourself a chance to recover Tiny :lol:
What type of dolls house do you want a plastic or a wooden one? Just remember cause of their age obviously tiny parts lol x
see im a tad reluctant to get a dolls house! just cos mine was amazing and i dont think i could get one that lived up to my expectations! my grandpa made mine and it had wall paper and proper carpet and everything, it was amazing!! my dad gave it to my niece and i bet its trashed now! it was immaculate when i had it!
I want to get a dolls house for my girls and with them both slightly older than Alices I just wanted to say that I think they are still too young (mine) :D

But a girls must when they are older?

I'd have said a play kitchen!
Duplo, get some really good sets!
Doll & pram (poss already have)?
Aqua floor mat
i was going to get duplo but mum saw her arse cos they have duplo there and its meant to be special for there :roll: have been considering an aqua draw! think i might get them a nice doll each for their birthdays and some of the little spuggies cos they're proper obsessed with them!!
ooh thats a nice idea. And you could get them a pram and a cot for christmas for their dollies to share!
well my mum's still got my dolls pram i had, its a big silver cross thing, think i played with it about twice :lol: but its quite big so i think it might be next years xmas present!
how about sylvanian families, my girls got the hotel as a joint pressie last year, they love it, i know they are older than your two but even my nephew *aged 3* loves playing with it too, you can add to it on birthdays and family can buy stuff for it too, so many different animals and sets.

when they were about your two's age my bro got them a paino (from early learning) at xmas and they shared that nicely, one playing and the other singing

they had a disney princess kitchen as a joint pressie too
what about one of those Art easels with clips on both sides so they can both draw and paint at the same time (containing mess!!!)
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