Jobcentre (ar*seholes)


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I have got a letter today i have to attend a "back to work meeting" which OH went to one the other week...we have only just started claiming and since the other week i don't have to sign on no more as OH does it for me because i am within 11 week of my due date! So this can't be right can it? Its pissed me off...i have signed on about 3 times and have to go to stupid meetings!!! Sitting with well known druggies!! Argh i hate them, better be a mistake or i am gonna go kick off! xxx
Chances are it's just an automatic letter that's gone out. I would give them a call as I'd be surprised if you had to go to meetings
i dunno if its a mistake as i can remember my friend having to go to one and she was heavily pregnant to :(
i'm on IS and i have to go to back to work meetings every 6 months! they said they're not expectiing me to go to work any time soon, as its pretty impossible as a single parent to 2 teeny ones, but its just to make sure you're thinking about the future and stuff!
i went to one and havent had any since i started IS lol the only time i here from them is telling me whats coming off my IS and how much it goes up after ive payed something off
Job Centre can be right ejits sometimes! It took them over 5 weeks for them to actually sort out not having to come in a sign on. Every time I went in I was told something different! Best to call Glasgow and ask though. I just stopped looking for work and told them when I was signing on as what was the point if I have 6weeks to go? x
You still have to go to these meetings when ur on income suport, as they like u to get bk to work asap after baby, but u dnt have to untill they turn 7 then u get job seekers x
I may be wrong but I think they are going to change the guidelines as to when you go back to work, are the new rules not going to change to when the child starts school? Not 100% but i'm sure I heard that somewhere.

Unfortunately the job centre and DSS are useless in general and are not sympathetic to any circumstances even if your pregnant. If your on JSA they will always want you to go to meetings ect, if you dont then they would wonder how you would attend job interviews, as you wouldn't be able to seek a job, they should be able to move you onto another benefit, not sure what though.

Theres big changes in store in the next couple of years, who knows what they'll do next.

Fingers crossed
When you are on IS you have to attend a back to work interview every 6 months like someone else said they don't necessarily expect you to be looking at going back to work. In fact at my last interview I was told not to look to hard to find a job as I would loose out. If you don't attend the interview they will stop your benefit so if you think its a mistake I would call them. Hope you get it sorted hun
My next appointment will be in august which is when the baby is due and I was told that if the date I get for the interview is a problem then call my lone parent adviser
Thanks girls i went in today and they said to ignore it. Also they said if i went on Income support instead of job seekers we would get left alone! The lass in there got funny as she told me last time OH would have to still sign on and wanted me to stay on job we phoned up Income support and they said he won't have to! Rude woman lasso was...could of easily swung for her! xxx

I wouldn't have blamed you if you did swing for her.

I was at the job centre with a friend one day and the security guard wouldn't even let me stand at the front door area, looool he made me stand outside with a child in the pissing rain. Was raging, there was loads of space too. He said youre only allowed in the building if you have an appointment.
They can be really funny like that...they assume you are a scum bag! They wouldn't even let me on the toilet, i was bursting and they knew i was pregnant! When you could use the toilet the druggies ruined it by injecting in there! xxx
Thats just wrong, you think they'd let you use it esp being pg.

Its not much motivation for ppl to get jobs when they get treated like that, and half the world think that job seekers like to sponge, if they knew what it was like they wouldn't be saying that, plus the fact there's no jobs available yet ppl still need to deal with the discrimination from JC staff.
I know i am sure they have to let you on...? Heard somewhere they have to if your pregnant!
No it isn't, they are arseholes who think its so easy to get work! xxx
can you get IS if you're not single?! i wasnt allowed to use the JCs loos when i was a week overdue and damn near weed myself! had to go in the pub across the road!
As far as i know you can yeah well they said we could and know were together. Yeah i had to go to connexions down the road as they were taking ages! Its not right xxx
i can understand why they dont let the general public use them, but pregnant ladies is a bit different!
Yeah it definitely is! I have heard somewhere they HAVE to let you on...can't remember where though! xxx

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