jealousy+not stressing=impossible


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Any one while ttc getting the green eyed monster when seeing others bumps and tiny babies? Its driving me mad! I want another little one. My friend had her baby 5days ago and she was so small, i forgot how small they come. Im trying to stay relaxed and not stressing so much about ttc but its impossible to when every where i turn theres a baby or bump. :-( is it just me? X
I am the same, everywhere I got people are pregnant!
Not just you!! I'm sure babies and bumps appear more when you are TTC, just to rub salt in the wound....:mad:

There is definitely a baby boom at the moment or we just notice more xx
I am so glad its not just me. I think it is just we notice it more but i cant help it i try not to look but they r every whr x
It used to be the same for me.
It's because you're TTC and you want a baby, your mind is concentrating on everything baby-based. Any other time, you wouldn't even notice most of the pregnant bumps and babies you see.

I'd recommend not TTC. When me and my OH stopped, we were de-stressed and I fell pregnant within a few weeks :) xxx
It used to be the same for me.
It's because you're TTC and you want a baby, your mind is concentrating on everything baby-based. Any other time, you wouldn't even notice most of the pregnant bumps and babies you see.

I'd recommend not TTC. When me and my OH stopped, we were de-stressed and I fell pregnant within a few weeks :) xxx

That is so true, you mind just becomes tuned in to bumps and babies. Its like anything in life if you've just bought a new car or thinking of it suddenly that car will be every where you go!!
It certainly does.
For example now that I'm finally pregnant, All I see are newborns! Probably because I cannot wait to meet mine and everything is based around babies for me right now xxx
It used to be the same for me.
It's because you're TTC and you want a baby, your mind is concentrating on everything baby-based. Any other time, you wouldn't even notice most of the pregnant bumps and babies you see.

I'd recommend not TTC. When me and my OH stopped, we were de-stressed and I fell pregnant within a few weeks :) xxx

I think i might stop TTC next month if i am not this month - as I know the stress is getting to us both!!
Did you actually manage to stop thinking about it though?

As knowing me, I will be oh well we are not trying but we did do it on this day and that so there could be a chance, and ........

i need to just put it totally out of my head, but until i really dont want it anymore not sure ill be able to?

What does everyone think?

You'll not atop thinking about ttc until you're pregnant x
I have stoped trying and i still think about it.
To suggest that you can just stop thinking about something that you want soooo much is not only unrealistic but ludicrous, never give up hope x
i know !
but stressing just makes it worse too!
and yes as natasha says bumps and babies everywhere!!!1

thanks cosmic, really hope so, and you too (pink ones for both of us!) xx
Hehehe yeah, hope so (not just yet for me though) ;) xx
Your right but i dont think i can stop think about it. Its only going to be this month an mayb the monyh after me and OH are going to 'ttc' as for the past 4months we havent been checking ov and everything we just went along with it and i tried not to worry about it but like others have said you cant just stop thonk about it.
Good lucj to everyone ttc and who are preg, happy for u :)
That's a hard question.
Hmm, Well me and OH decided to stop TTC because nothing was happening and we both decided to do something else with our lives.. to go back to college in September. I guess my mind was set elsewhere so pregnancy thoughts were washed out so to speak. It is possible, even though you want something so much.

I was still taking a herb called 'Agnus Castus' but I didn't do anything like count dates or figure out when my period was due or take pregnancy tests or ovulation tests. None of that, just my average life and those herbs every day. I think every month you get your hopes up and it usually just ends up with bad news, so for me to not do any pregnancy test and to not be symptom spotting and getting my hopes up and then get them ripped to shreds, I was totally relaxed and just happy!

Pregnancy should be the most natural thing in the world, so although some of us women find it hard to conceive, I really think we should just let our bodies do their own thing.

So perhaps keep yourself busy with something else, like a holiday or a project.. anything!
And just keep humping :bd:

Hope you don't mind me joining in. Just wanted to give you a :hug: and lots of :dust:

I found that when I was ttc everyone was getting pregnant. It's really annoying.

I found it impossible to not think about ttc. When you want something so much, its hard to not think about it. I actually think the day we conceived, was the day I was covered in fake bake and got 2 lines on an opk and had to ask OH to bd looking like a proper oompa lumpa and not rubbing bodies! Lol.


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