That's a hard question.
Hmm, Well me and OH decided to stop TTC because nothing was happening and we both decided to do something else with our lives.. to go back to college in September. I guess my mind was set elsewhere so pregnancy thoughts were washed out so to speak. It is possible, even though you want something so much.
I was still taking a herb called 'Agnus Castus' but I didn't do anything like count dates or figure out when my period was due or take pregnancy tests or ovulation tests. None of that, just my average life and those herbs every day. I think every month you get your hopes up and it usually just ends up with bad news, so for me to not do any pregnancy test and to not be symptom spotting and getting my hopes up and then get them ripped to shreds, I was totally relaxed and just happy!
Pregnancy should be the most natural thing in the world, so although some of us women find it hard to conceive, I really think we should just let our bodies do their own thing.
So perhaps keep yourself busy with something else, like a holiday or a project.. anything!
And just keep humping
I do understand where you are coming from Tiff.
I know cos it happened to me first hand and twice b4!!
I conceived first month of trying with my son, and couldnt believe I could be so lucky 2nd time around when again I fell very first try and only one attempt that month as we were trying for a girl ! But that luck was a little short lived when I had a mm/c at 12 wks.
Now due to that upset and my worry - it has taken over 6 months.
Before my BFP caught me by surprise when i realised i was late, now over a week b4 i am due I am over analyising every single detail and convincing myself i am.
A watched clock doesnt move as a watched kettle doesnt boil - that is true!!!
So i am changing my focus.
I do just feel under a bit of pressure for my and oh age, and oh is not bothered about having another , and is really close to saying lets just forget it if it doesnt happen soon.
I know it will easier but my heart will always be empty for the baby i lost, and s'thing will always be missing in my life.
But i need to find a way to just focus on other stuff and just forget about the baby stuff.
Best of luck with your pregnancy, and your next scan - are you hoping for a pink or blue bundle? xx