

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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OK so I know we've not been trying for very long but i can't help feeling jealous when i see pregnant women around. and disappointed when I get my AF.

Please tell me it's not just me? :thanks:
No, I feel exactly the same. I even feel jealous when I see people who are pregnant in films and TV shows...even though its not real! I guess we've just got to stay positive and keep looking forward to our own BFP, bump and baby!

Lou xx
Definitely not just you! We've only just started trying but I've been getting bump envy long since we first started talking about it! x
I was starting to think it was just me. I can't stand it. it's horrible

I want it so much and every cycle i wonder whether i wont be able to get pregnant and it makes me feel worse.
I know. It's so horrible, last year I was planning my wedding and was a bit of a bridezilla but I knew exactly what I wanted, what I had to do and by which date and it turned out perfectly. What I cant stand is the way no matter what you do you can never really plan out how anything is going to turn out which TTC.

I know soooooooo many people who have had unplanned pregnancies it is ridiculous. I also know quite a few who have had abortions. I totally respect there decisions but I can't help feeling I have spent my entire life being careful, looking after my sexual health, never needing treatment for STIs/morning after pill etc and I seem to be surrounded by people who have had a baby through a mistake. Sods law!

Sorry for the rant I'm extra-sensitive today as I thought I had a slight BFP on a FRER this morning....then AF showed. It'll only be our third cycle but its our last chance for a 2012 birth. YOu always just assume that'll just happen when you want it to. It's sooooo frustrating!

But I guess we've just got to stay positive. What will be will be (whether we like it or not!)

Lou xx
I get jealous too! You're not the only one..
Hang in there girlies, I felt exactly the same way. It was heart breaking seeing the evil witch arrive every month, I would cry and cry. And then finding out people were getting pregnant accidentally, or pregnant and not knowing if they wanted to keep it, or people with little kids and being horrible parents. It sucked. I admire you all and hope you find your happiness really really soon. X
No count me in as super jealous! 25 cycles later people just falling pregnant around me and I have to look at scans and pretend I'm ok with it. I can't deal with seeing people around me. Giving up on my own chances now.
Oh yes I feel exactly the same! I'm more so at the moment as my sister just got her bfp and she wasn't even trying so I am trying to be happy for her but devastated at the same time! Feel like I am being a miserable so and so but just feel like crying.. Hugs to you all! X
I get super jealous, a lady at my work is pregnant and it hurts every time I see her!
my niece is pregnant. I see her and the mistakes she continues to make. I can barely stand to be around her these days.....
You are not the only one for sure, I feel this daily, I sometimes catch myself staring at pregnant women, they must think i am a right freak and its not through bad feeling towards them i am just envious of what they have and wonder how it feels to have a baby in your tummy and that kind of thing. Its very hard xxxx
Phew for this thread!!! One of my closest workmates announced she was pregnant just as we decided to start ttc, I wanted to be really happy for her but just felt terrible! Pleased to say I'm now over it and talk to her excitedly about it at every opportunity. Even down to what position she used, time of day etc that she thinks she conceived!
Me 2, seems to be getting worse recently! 2 girls in my office are pregnant and my best friend has just announced no. 2 is on the way. Then the more I feel jealous the worse I feel for not feeling happy for people. I feel your pain x
dont get me wrong, i'm genuinely happy for my friends but it's like someone is twisting a knife in my stomach
I'm the same I get so jealous and each cycle gets harder - so don't worry you are in good company!

Your not the only one I think it's quite natural to feel like this when TTC. We have been trying since Oct which feels like forever but in the grand scale it's not that long. I have had a lot of friends and colleagues tell me they are pregnant and each time I can feel my heart cry inside. I am usually quiet for a few hours then tell myself to snap out of it.... I give myself a kick up the rear and always feel better.

Fx you will get ur BFP soon and in the meantime we are all here for u xxxx
i dont know what i'd do without you guysQ! Thanks
I get real jealous too! It is heartbreaking seeing bumps everywhere!! Before we were ttc I always used to be amazed at seeing pg women and smile but after 7 months I now have to look away :(

Im sure it'll be our turn soon!!!

I'm like this. I've been trying to concieve for about 6 months now and nothing!! :(. My cousin who is a year younger is pregnant, two old school friends are pregnant and my brothers wife is pregnant. So i'm around loads of people and it just makes me feel like a failure!! :(

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