
I do get jealous as well, infact I have even stopped watching the Jeremy Kyle show! all those people on there who shouldnt bloody have kids and most have to have a dna test to prove who it belongs to! Makes me so mad so not watched it for a few months now.

It seems like just lately the streets are filled with beautiful babies and proud new Moms, Im probably exaggerating though but thats what TTC does to you! xxx
4 out of my 6 close friends have all just had babies within a few weeks of each other, now they're taking it in turns to have coffee mornings every week which I am not included in. So not only am I totally jealous that they've all got babies and I havent, now I don't even get to be included in their social gatherings!
4 out of my 6 close friends have all just had babies within a few weeks of each other, now they're taking it in turns to have coffee mornings every week which I am not included in. So not only am I totally jealous that they've all got babies and I havent, now I don't even get to be included in their social gatherings!

Omg thats really mean! Do they know you are TTC? How can people be like that to there friends xxx:hugs:and :dust:to you!
I don't think they're being mean intentionally, it's just they have babies and I don't, and they all have that in common. They know how badly I want children but they don't know we're now actually trying.
i have the same. when I pick up my son from his preschool playtime twice a week there are two ladies pregnant over there, one wth her third child. she is very friendly but I hate her for being pregnant with number 3 (because I want a third one) how bad is that :0
oh my gosh i am the same!!! when i see pregnant woman in the street at the supermarket and on tv i'm so jelly!!! and i feel shamed and horrible but i just cant help it. and i ask my husband all the time!! is it me or does there seem to be lots of pregnant woman because 4 past me while i was waiting for my husband out side a store. its only because i mc last year in oct at 12 weeks and just can't help feeling angry like that should be me shopping in the mall with my baby bump! its worse because all my friends and even my younger sisters are having babies, my next door neighbour just had her baby two months ago and upstairs from me just had a little girl 5days ago!! I'M SOOOO JELLY!!!! lol i think the only thing that will cure us is to get that baby bump!!!

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