*January 2018 mummies - tri 3!*

Hoping for no2

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2013
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I'm in tri 3 now as of yest, so thought I'd set up a thread...but someone else will need to do the names and due dates as can't work out how to copy from tri 2 thread, lol!
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:dance:Welcome to Tri 3 ladies..... omg can't believe we are here already..... It's the final stretch...... see what I did there? :lol:

Jan 1st
Jan 2ndclarep1905:stork:
Jan 3rd
Jan 4thlouisa2008sash:pink:Selina13:blue: BABY BOY JAN 11 8lb 12Oz
Jan 5thandy2016:stork:hoping for no 2:pink:Lucylu87:stork:NotMyRealName:stork:
Jan 6th
Jan 7th
Jan 8thMelanie3103:stork:Hayley M:blue:
Jan 9thKarenb:yellow: hannah_marion:stork:
Jan 10thMariexo:blue:Alipops1986:pink: BABY GIRL 6/1/2018 7lb4oz
Jan 11thcjbristolmummy:stork:
Jan 12thMel32:blue: BABY BOY 28/12/17 8lb7Oz Justme2017:stork:
Jan 13thJCT:pink:magpiekate:blue:
Jan 14th Louloubabs:blue: Mystery26:pink:MegsMeadow:pink:Blank_Page:yellow:mylullaby:yellow:
Jan 15thFela:angel2:Sugar10:pink: BABY GIRL 4/1/18 7lb1oz
Jan 16th
Jan 17th
Jan 18th :Flowerpetal:blue:mom2be:stork:
Jan 19th
Jan 20th
Jan 21st Carly89:blue:
Jan 22ndMrsParker16:stork:Kathryn85:stork:Clare80:stork:
Jan 23rdBTurley01:stork:
Jan 24thyayitsronnie:stork:
Jan 25thsimone82:stork:
Jan 26thEmmaLuna:blue:Sg95:stork:
Jan 27thBrownsugar74:stork:
Jan 28th
Jan 29th Dolores:yellow:
Jan 30thz.j.hill1992:stork: Petals21:stork:
Jan 30thelsa16:stork:yayitsronnie:blue:
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I'm still in Tri 2 but figured I'd paste it here for you lol
Eek where did tri 2 go at all?!!!
As if we are in tri 3 already.
Hope everyone is ok, I haven't posted in a while as been busy getting on with things but hoping to be around more now
Posted this on tri 2 aswell as not sure who it was who was talking about this!

To those who are suffering with SPD or similar... I think I may be joining the club had bad pain in groin since Friday and feels like I’ve pulled a muscle in my bum cheek?? Pretty uncomfortable to walk so I’m slow! Does this sound similar? I really need to work until 19th December! Eek!
To those who are suffering with SPD or similar... I think I may be joining the club had bad pain in groin since Friday and feels like I’ve pulled a muscle in my bum cheek?? Pretty uncomfortable to walk so I’m slow! Does this sound similar? I really need to work until 19th December! Eek!

Welcome to the SPD club - whatever it's called!
I went to the doctors last week, and got it confirmed. Fortunately, have physio appointment this Thursday. They seem to be quite fast at organising it. I basically had what I can only describe as foof pain, similar to a groin strain I guess.
I bought a V shaped pillow in the Aldi baby event a few weeks ago now, i've been sleeping with this snaked between my legs/knees and it has helped relieved the pain.
Ah no :( felt ok this morning as I really took it easy last night but as the day went on, it returned and became sore again. May have to tell my head teacher that I’m going to have to sit down a lot more as he likes to pop into our classrooms often and I don’t want to look lazy!! I have a student teacher with me now too eek!
Eeeek tri 3! :) this is exciting. I'll be officially 27 weeks on Monday but just sneaking over! Can't believe we're here , what happened to tri 2!! :/

Sorry you ladies are suffering from spd. I had really bad sciatica with my pregnancies and I can feel it again now, but not as bad to be honest and I'm thinking it's because baby is still head up. Once head is down it'll feel a lot heavier. :(

We have consultant appt and another scan in 2 weeks, which is actually half term, so it's going to be a nightmare sorting the kids :( but it's when my maternity leave starts! :) yay!

We also could be moving house next month.... total chaos! So I feel abit anxious all round!! :/
Just popping my head in... I'll officially be in trimester 3 tomorrow!! It's so strange to see the final trimester thread already!! It feels like only yesterday that the 1st trimester thread was made... It's pure madness! Xx
I won't be in tri 3 until Sunday but moving over because I don't want to miss any bump pics!
Fuck. When does tri 3 even start?? I have been so crap at paying attention this time!
mylullaby, it's so confusing!! All the different websites I've looked at on the internet say different things. Some websites say the 3rd trimester begins at week 26, some week 27 and some week 28! Apparently medically speaking, it begins when you hit 27 weeks, so that's what I'm going with!

I'm officially 27 weeks today and it feels like Jaxon is trying to mark the new week! I felt him thudding around while I was sitting at the table on my computer, so I went to the bedroom to lay down to have a look at what he was up to and his whole body shifted from the center of my stomach all the way over to the left side! The left side of my stomach was completely bulged while the rest was all flat and normal. I kid you not, it was the weirdest feeling and looking thing ever. He's never done that before until today so I feel like he's definitely marking his milestone of 27 weeks hahaha.

I just can't believe we're all slowly moving over to the 3rd trimester now. It's crazy to think about. It honestly feels like just yesterday that we were all sat in the 1st trimester thread speaking about our crazy new pregnancy symptoms! Xx
Mariexo tell me about it! I had a google after I'd posted and realised there's quite a bit of variation. I like the suggestion I read online of going by months instead of weeks - it splits nice and evenly three ways if you do it that way. So will count myself as official when I've got 3 months to go... which is Saturday! Yey! Hope everyone is doing well. X
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Evening All,

I try to read the thread every night but don't always get round to replying.

I'm officially 27 weeks today - it really does feel like time is going so fast. I've got my 28 weeks midwife appointment on Tuesday morning, seems like ages since I last saw anyone - the joys of baby number 2, not seen anyone since 20 week scan.

Got my first physio appointment tomorrow afternoon, hoping they can come up with something to help my constantly saw and aching lady bits - i'm literally walking like a penguin at the moment. The pillow between my knees was offering some relief, but not so much anymore.

One more week left at work, then it's half term - I can't wait. Although, we're going on our final family of 3 trip - bit concerned about all the walking required, seriously contemplating hiring a buggy thing when we go to Flamingo Land! We're going to stay over the night in Scarborough as it's quite a trek from where we live.
Hey, so I rang docs about possibility of SPD and he said in the olden days people just accepted aches and pains as part of pregnancy whereas now everything has a medical term. Think that was his way of saying to just deal with it. So helpful!!
Evening All,

I try to read the thread every night but don't always get round to replying.

I'm officially 27 weeks today - it really does feel like time is going so fast. I've got my 28 weeks midwife appointment on Tuesday morning, seems like ages since I last saw anyone - the joys of baby number 2, not seen anyone since 20 week scan.

Got my first physio appointment tomorrow afternoon, hoping they can come up with something to help my constantly saw and aching lady bits - i'm literally walking like a penguin at the moment. The pillow between my knees was offering some relief, but not so much anymore.

One more week left at work, then it's half term - I can't wait. Although, we're going on our final family of 3 trip - bit concerned about all the walking required, seriously contemplating hiring a buggy thing when we go to Flamingo Land! We're going to stay over the night in Scarborough as it's quite a trek from where we live.

Just a thought - have you checked your bits for any signs of varicose veins? I have them badly this time around and they really ache and I'm in a lot of discomfort most of the time in that area.

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