Jack William 16/6/2012


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Cant believe I'm posting in here already but very happy to be able to :-)

All started 6am on Saturday morning when I woke with what I assumed was just a cramp as it stayed for a while and didn't subside. I took couple of paracetamol but they didn't have any affect at all. Went to bathroom and noticed blood like streaks when I wiped (sorry TMI). Went back to bed but couldn't settle at all. Kept going to bathroom to check and still had pain. Got up at about 6.45am and DH asked if he should stay home from work. Me being me said it was ok and he should go on. Yeah right!!!! I got hot water bottle and put on tummy for "cramp" but still no affect. Began to think something was up and timed pains and was shocked to discover they were coming about every 3 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds. Went in search of my hospital notes and phoned hospital. The first person I spoke to said probably be ok to hang on at home for couple of hours (bear in mind I live 40 minutes from hospital). She then seemed to have second thoughts and put me on to someone else who asked how often pains were coming. When I said every 3 minutes or so she just said lift notes and make my way to hospital. I phoned DH and couldn't get through on mobile so phoned their security and got him paged. He phoned me back as I was in bathroom trying to clean my teeth without being sick. I just said please come home we have to go to hospital. I got dressed with great effort, gathered up my bags and when DH got in through back door I was over the kitchen table. When I said we live 40 minutes from hospital, that's on a normal day - we were there in 25 minutes. I have to admit I never saw much of the road cos I concentrating on breathing through pain so much. Got to hospital and parked at the door cos I physically couldn't have walked from a car park. I was brought into the assessment room and on examination the MW discovered I was already 8cm dilated - this in 2 1/2 hours. Everyone was surprised at how far along I was in such a short space of time. They brought me straight up stairs and set me up in my room and handed me gas and air (the only "pain relief" I used until the very last stage of birth). Next couple of hours was just changing positions round the room and by 11.15am I started to push. This continued until 12 noon when wee ones heart rate started to drop. The midwives took decision and sent me to labour ward saying that I would need some kind of instrumental intervention to get baby out. At this stage I didn't care how but as long as my baby was safe. I got brought down anyway and after internal examination (the WORST part of the whole process so far) the doctor decided to leave me until 12.30 before she intervened. She came back then at 12.30 and it was all systems go and at 12.46pm Jack William was brought into this big scary world weighing 7lb120z and literally screaming his wee lungs out. Never so happy to hear a baby cry. :-) I am still trying to come to terms than I am a mummy but I am loving every second of it even though he was very unsettled last night, his first night home.
Wowzas! Well done you! Congratulations on your little man! Enjoy every second with him!
Congratulations honey. That all sounds very fast!!
Congratulations hun, what a whirlwind labour!! Xx

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