Jack Andrew Garnett-Clarke - 02/11/2010 - UPDATED WITH PICTURES!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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well first i would like to say a huge thank you to all the PF ladies. I have found all your advice and support amazing!!

01/11/2010- 3PM- off i waddled to the doctors 39+6 weeks pregnant. Checked over and my lovely midwife offered me a 2nd sweep.. I declined until my OH told me to just go for it, as there's no harm. So i had my 2nd sweep. From that point i started having contractions but they had no pattern at all. So i went to sleep that night very disappointed.

02/11/2010- 3AM- (happy due date)- i woke up in bed
soaked and thought omg i need a wee but im leaking and when i tried to move it just kept gushing. So i woke up OH
and he jumped out of bed and rushed to start getting ready
at which point i said calm down im having any contractions. Then i realised yes i am but there about 10 mins apart so i got up and sat down stairs, had a cup of tea and waited for them
to get stronger. My OH and mum got up and sat with me, we
all watched recorded home and away lol. Then about 5PM i felt
they were stronger so we called the hospital explained my
waters had broke and contractions were 7 mins apart so they told me to come down.

02/11/2010- 7AM- at hospital been examined. Nurse happy
with my contractions and said i was 2-3cm dialated so i was
on the right track. An hour passes and a new midwife takes
over shift. She came in told me to get pad off and leave it on side and go wait in the waiting area as they needed the room.
I thought woah no intro from her and she didn't tell me
what was going on. So i pulled my knickers up (just about) before other patient came in :-O and off i trotted to waiting room where i waited 30 mins, leaking waters everywhere :( she came in gave me my notes and said go home and we'll see you in 48 hours for an appointment to check for infection but your not in labour she says..

02/11/2010- 11AM- arrived home in tears. I felt that
everything that had happened at the hospital was ridiculous and i was mistreated. My mum went out to the shops and
me and OH went to get head down. My contractions had gone mental so after sleeping for an hour i got up and had a bath. I felt the contractions starting again and getting strong
in the bath. I knew that i could go back to the hospital because midwife said i couldn't go back until they lasted 1 min and were 2-3 mins apart. Not bearing in mind i live
about 30 mins away from hospital. I fell asleep in the bath and my OH woke me up. I got out had something to eat and then at about 3.30PM i felt the pains getting very very intense so for some reason got back in the bath for 15 mins.

02/11/2010- 4PM- i rang hospital explaining the pains and they were 4-5 mins apart.. To which they said were a little
busy but make your way down here and we'll try and find somewhere to put you. I arrived there at about 6.20PM and went into a private suite as all labour rooms were full. RESULT :D very posh suite indeed. I was given the option of
birthing pool with gorgeous twinkly stars on ceiling which changed colours but i said nope ill stick to ball and then bed.

02/11/2010- 18.40PM (start of labour in notes) oh gosh it was definitely the start of something. The pain was horrific. I
was over the ball with OH massaging my back and my mum holding my hands. I hadn't even been checked at this point. The midwife could see i was in agony so she checked me over on bed and i was 3cm she left me on bed and went out of room. Then i started feeling stronger pains, which i didn't
think was possible.. I was in tears.. My mum one side and OH the other side. I was begging midwife for something to stop the pain. She said as i was only 3cm she would only offer gas and air so i agreed. I then said to her this doesn't
feel right. I want to push. She said its been less than an hour you can't be that far. Just as midwife change was in process old and new midwife checked me over and i had shot from 3cm to 8cm.. I was in so much pain pleading with
them to let me push!! New lovely student midwife and head midwife checked again and i was 9cm and they explained if i started to push i would damage my cervix but i didn't care
and couldn't stop myself. Then i heard ok kylie PUSH!! Yay i started but felt so much fear.. Gas and air i felt was useless and ended up throwing it hehe.. Then after alot of pushing
and been totally knackered and begging for help as i was so scared. I had to be cut to help head push through OUCH!!

02/11/2010- 22.05PM- Jack Andrew Garnett-Clarke- 8lbs 6oz. ARRIVED!!!

labour time- 3 hours 25 mins

midwifes were so surprised with how fast everything progressed. I was then stitched up while mum rang family and OH made teary call to his parents :) i couldn't believe i had my little man lying on my stomach and not in it :D

i was then moved into maternity room and 4AM and little man slept 6 hours straight and i slept 2 hours disturbed by the fact i couldn't stop checking Jack.

i love him so much and im so happy his finally here with his proud mummy and daddy.

sorry for long thread :)

thanks for reading.

Kylie, Andrew and baby Jack xxx


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Congratulations!! You're probably up doing a feed, like me, it's a shock to the system!

Ah lovely kylie! Congratulations to you all. Xxx
well done you!!! its amazing isnt it!! congratz!
Congrats kylie, sounds like you coped really well!
congrats hunny, glad it all went well in the end xx
Congratulations and well done. Sounds like you did really well xx

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