Ivy or Cleo?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2015
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Sorry.. its me AGAIN.
we had already decided on Ivy for a girl and were already looking for middle names, but now we came across a new name we fell in love with: Cleo!
While we were afraid our families in Brazil may struggle with an English name like Ivy, Cleo would be a lot easier. It is quite rare (at least as far as I know), but still not difficult for people to spell or pronounce and unlike Ivy it actually exists there.
OH still prefers Ivy, but I'm leaning a bit more towards Cleo now! But we both love them both.
What do you think? which name would you prefer for us?

Also: If we were to go with Cleo, should we use it as a nn or just Cleo? And what could it be a nn for? We dont like the obvious Cleopatra... and not too keen on Cleora/Cleona either....

What do you think?
I really like Cleo as a stand alone name. Sounds like a smart, mischievous girl that doesn't take any nonsense. And I think it would be nice with the middle name Alicia. Then you could still honour your friend.
Cleo is lovely too, you do have good taste in names! X
Ooh - I quite like Cleo! Unusual, but I like it!
Cleo is lovely. Personally I would go with Ivy, but for you I think Cleo would be the better choice and it's a pretty name (giuliaplus2)

Emma is having difficulties logging into her account so here's a message from her that she asked me to post:
Thanks - I really love it too!! Sorry guys, I had to use my friends account again, somehow I'm having trouble with my password. Anyway, I do like the idea of Cleo Alice!! I think it flows a bit better than Ivy Alice (in my opinion). Just need to convince OH!
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It seems like our front runner right now is Cleo! OH wants to spell it Cléo, though... as that's the Brazilian spelling. In brazil they pronounce Cleo "klay-o", whereas in most english speaking countries people say "klee-o". I like both pronounciations and actually like that it's pronounced a bit differently in both languages. Going with Cléo would probably indicate that it's pronounced klay-o, right?

Also we're trying to find a middle name to go with it. We love Cleo Alice, but also like Cleo Alyssa (also in honour of my friend Alice, without using the exact same name, but rather a similar sounding name). Which one would you prefer?
I love both names - either is a good choice. If you did end up going back to Ivy though my gran was called Ivy May and I always thought it was such a pretty name :) x
Thanks for all the lovely comments. We found out our we're in fact team PINK and we've decided to name her Cleo Alice :)
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I have a friend called Cleo. I'd never heard of it before her, so is very unique but also a lovely name. I think Cleo Alice go perfect together. Fab choice :) xx
You've chosen a great name! Cleo is very beautiful not only for a baby girl, but also for a gorgeous woman that she'll definitely grew into)
Love the name cleo. It's on my list for if we ever had a girl :)
Ivy is a lovely girls name and it reminds me of a beautiful friend of mine
I like Cleo Alice.

My friends little girl's name is Ivy, not heard of any Cleo's in ages.

Hearing Cleo I always have someone gorgeous in front of my eyes) Go for it!
I much prefer Cleo, and as is - I wouldn't search for a longer form.

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