Ivy Bernadette Patricia Corbett *Sept 8th* 6'10oz


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Only took a month to write! LOL

:D Well my birth story is full of fluffyness but its honestly how I found it and how we went through things so here we go (sorry its gonna be a long one!)

Taken into hospital over high blood pressure and protein in my wee on Wednesday 3rd September and had bloods done they decided to kidnap me and I wasn't allowed home. They offered to do a sweep on Friday but I didn't really trust the doctor and the guy he had with him. I THINK the man that was with him was actually a student but they had not told me this the doctor would let him do the checks and the bloods and botch them up but nobody ever said who he actually was and why he was allowed to do them. I know people have got to learn but when my little girly is kicking around in my tummy yet someone insists he cant find a heart beat it quite worries you! LOL.

Well they went away on the Friday and by the Saturday night I had time to think and I decided that I might as well try the pessaries so they had a feel but my cervix wasnt soft or something so they said they would do it on the Sunday. Well Sunday came I had my dinner and at about 2.15pm they did the first pessarie. My mum and Dad came to visit me from Somerset on the Sunday afternoon just after they had done it but because you could only have 3 visitors and there was my mum, dad, little brother and Anthony there I went for a walk around the hospital to sit with them all in the Cafe nothing much was happening slight little twinges but not enough to make me really realize them.

Well at about 6pm Mum, Dad and my little brother said they would give me and Anthony a hour on our own and they would come back at 7pm to say bye and stuff so me and Anthony went back to the ward and I started feeling a few little pains again. I decided that I had better go to toilet because there was someone in the bed oppisite and I thought I had really bad wind! Haha! When I got to the toilet I sat down and then thought "oh bugger I cant stand up too good" Anthony was outside the toilet so I shuffled to the door with my knickers round my ankles and got him to come in the toilet. I sat back on the loo and I said I think I should really lay down because It kinda hurt but I didn't know if it was just that I really needed to poo or if it was contractions. I didn't think it would be contractions because it felt like a bad tummy and it was a constant pain rather than one with breaks. Anthony decided that I should see a midwife but I didnt want to bother anyone but he insisted so he pulled the little orange cord hehe I was still sat on the toilet waiting to fart and for the pain to go away :rotfl: the midwife came in and said she thinks I really should go and get put on a monitor because she wasnt so sure it was just gas.

Somehow managed to make it back to the ward without wetting myself which I was almost certian what I was gonna do! They got me to lay down and put the monitor on and they all looked a little bit worried. And they then told me that yep it was contractions and they were pretty strong and constant they then started offering me all pain relief under the sun haha! I was okay though I just thought that if I had anything too soon it might not help in the long run so said I was okay. Mum and Dad came back at 7pm to find me led on the bed all strapped up and by then the contractions had calmed and were minuet on minuet off. They still didnt hurt that much but I was getting used to breathing through them I kind of though of it like trying to fall asleep just closed my eyes and thought of soft sleepy things! Every few minuets a midwife would appear and look at the monitor look worried and try and give me paracetamol but I was okay still so didn't take them I was thinking I would just save them for later when it got worse.

8pm soon arrived and Mum and Dad had to go on but they were worried about Anthony going home so we spoke to the midwife about our situation and that Anthony wouldn't be able to of got in till the next day if anything was to happen tonight and I would be on my own so she dissapered and when she came back she said the people agreed to let him stay because the ward was empty but he had to stay on the ward and wouldn't be allowed in the corridors. Mum and Dad went on and I got my pjs on and decided it might be time to do a bit of dancing so I stood up danced around a bit but there wasnt any music so just had to sing lol! Anthony was going to make a film haha! Still contractions one min on one min off. I got a bit sleepy and had a lye down for a while then at about 11pm started walking around the ward and dancing a bit more the midwives were still offering pain relief but I was still okay. I would walk up and down till I felt the contraction coming then just lean on on of the beds when it was happening. Then the midwife came in and strapped me up to the monitor again she said they were getting really strong by now and asked why I wasn't accepting any pain relief was it that I didnt want to use any at all or were I worried about the effects but I just said it was because I honestly were not finding it that painful.

At 1am I though I felt a bit of a odd feeling down bellow....I stood up off the bed and water went on the floor :dance: yaaaay that was my waters breaking...now I realized I was getting close. I said I would use the paracetamol now so had those and the contractions were getting really strong. They did hurt but not in a unbearable way I was more worried about the pushing and getting stitched up with out pain relief than I was the contractions because they weren't that bad. They monitored me again then the midwife dissapered and came back with a wheelchair then ordered Anthony to grab all my bags because I needed to be in the labour room :D I got in the wheel chair and got quite excited because I thought it was fun being pushed down all the big corridors :rotfl: the midwife was like a rally car driver with the thing!

Got to the labour ward at 2am....and got shown the gas and air :D :D :D well that was me off! Got strapped up to their monitor and Anthony gave me the gas and air mask thing so I just sat there he held it to my face and I just breathed that in the whole time! I made little noises to let them know I needed to push but the midwife was this strict lady who would just look at my and shout "NO PUSH" so I rocked back and forward to ease it. The whole time I was thinking how wonderful the gas was and that I was off my face so I wont say a word to avoid embarrassment. I kept looking at my OH and thinking every time I look at him its my way of saying I love you and I can tell him thats what I was thinking. Apparently all I said the whole time was "I'm sorry" I think it was because I really wanted to speak to him but I wasn't going to chance taking the gas away! At 2.40 I were told I could start to push I was allowed 3 pushes per contraction so I seen it like a game show LOL "push out the baby within the time limit....3 tries per contraction" hehe well at 2.51 out popped my little dolly! The placenta basically flew out as well hehe the midwife cut the cord because it was round her neck and got her weighed (6pound 10oz) and wrapped up and gave her to my OH thank fook she gave her to him because I was terrified I would drop her I was still coming down off the gas! She stitched me up and that seemed to take years then dressed Ivy wrapped her up and sent me off to go have a bath with the help of Anthony :) Ivy slept in the cot in the bathroom too.

And I think thats all.... :D it was a great experience but I don't want to do it again too soon thanks! Anyway this is the end result.... :D "Pip" is now Dolly because thats all we get told she looks like shes beautiful and such a peacefull happy girl I love her so much


I really enjoyed reading your story, its so positive and you made me laugh! Congratulations hun, shes gorgeous :hug: :hug:
Absolutely loved reading your story..........

Congratulations, she is absolutely beautiful!
What a fab birth story! I'm sure Ivy will enjoy reading it when she is older too, what a wee dolly indeed!
All the best,
Sarah x
Congratulations, what a lovely story. And Ivy is beautiful. :cheer:
She is such a pretty little thing- so gorgoeus & loved the birthstory.

Well done hun, you did brill :hug:
Congratulations so glad you enjoyed your labour hun :cheer:

Pip is gorgeous, well done :D
Really enjoyed reading that Nicki and Ivy is gorgeous :D love Sarah xxxx

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