
Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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Hi, hope this is posted in the right section.

I'm wondering if any of the ladies here have had IVF in order to conceive? If so, what were your experiences and how did you find it? If you don't mind my asking that is.

My mum had IVF in order to conceive me, as she had an ectopic pregnancy after my older brother and before me. Parts of her fallopian tubes had to be taken away, making it really hard for her to conceive naturally.
I have asked her about her personal experience and I think it's become a little hazy for her because it was 15 years ago.

It would be really great to hear any of your stories or experiences.
Hi IVF candidate,
I have quite extensive experience with IVF. I did 3 rounds (was committed to doing 5, privately) and got pregnant recently - I have just entered Week 7. Not sure what kind of info/advice you're looking for. I am 41 and did the treatment in Denmark over the last 14 months (each six months apart) but had all my monitoring done here in the UK with Hammersmith IVF. Both facilities excellent. Unfortunately i was overstimulated this time around and [quite painful] symptoms were further exacerbated and prolonged with pregnancy. I am still getting over that. My top tips and sorry if they're a bit 'straight to the point':

1) Give it a fair chance. If you're only going to do IVF once, your chances for a live birth are low.
2) Be careful not to overstimulate with drugs (leads to OHSS). Do a lot of reading and learn about these drugs.
3) Research clinics carefully, check their stats / reputation / research etc. If you're doing this privately, you are paying a tonne so know what you're getting.
4) If age is an issue for you, or you are told your ovaries are old or your eggs are of poor quality, don't waste time on frozen cycles. Success rates are so low and you are betting working with time and doing more fresh cycles.

Happy to answer any more specific questions you may have.
Thankyou for your reply, Newfangle.

I'm really happy to have had a reply and what you said is very useful for me.

My mum got pregnant after her first treatment and she explained how exhausting it was and how she had lost a lot of hope through many attempts to naturally conceive.
I'm curious as to how you felt having to endure 3 treatments, however it is at your discretion if you choose whether or not to answer.

Thankyou so much for responding.

There is a section under Trying to Conceive, there are stories/diaries of people that have been through and going through treatment at the moment.

I had IVF in 2007, however it was unsucessful for us. If you have any questions then i'm more than happy to answer if i can.

I did however fall pregnant with Calum 3 months after IVF treatment. (I'm 32 and hubbys 40)
I would have to say, doing the 3 IVF treatments was hardest emotionally and financially. Not so much physically, until I actually got pregnant - due to OHHS symptoms which i mentioned above. My husband can not father children so IVF was the only hope of me getting pregnant. I started when i was already 40 (after taking some time to figure out his problem) but my ovaries had been 'dated' as being aged only 36. In other words I had a lot of eggs and so had a fairly good chance of getting pregnant. My consultant told me if money were no issue that I should try 5 times. Money is an issue but I decided if I was going to pay this much, I might as well give myself the best odds.

It is quite draining but if your odds are good - the stimulation drugs are producing a lot of eggs - then it is certainly worth going for it. If you are older like me, you just need to be aware that many of those eggs will not be of good quality. Thus they may either not fertilise or implant.

Anyway I am nowhere near out of the woods - only beginning Week 7 . . .

Good luck, whatever you decide.

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