I've really struggled today...


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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...with work! :shakehead: I'm a hairdresser and have had appointments back to back all day with a few sit downs in between. I have been breathless, had swollen feet and just felt generally rubbish since about lunchtime. I need to work upto 2 weeks before bub arrives as its my own business and i'm worried im not going to be able to if this is how im feeling now...
Oh no! Do you have other stylists who can take some of your appointments? :hug:
Poor you ^^^^ like RM mum said couln't you get some cover in?
Its difficult really as its just me and my business partner who works in the salon but my BP is a barber so she doesnt do ladies hair, and when we were dicussing getting someone in for cover my clients were not too keen as they have followed me from my previous job and I cant afford to loose my clientele!

I'm really really hoping this was just a bad day and I will feel better soon but on the other hand im thinking if I feel like this now......
sweetie we are really supposed to be stopping work/taking it easy from around the 29th week - I really dont think that your doing yourself any favours by rushing around so much, you have more to loose than a couple of clients you really do (like your mental and physical health) Speak to some clients and see how they feel about seeing someone else in the same salon, then when you are back on your feet you can keep doing their hair but you cant run yourself into the ground, it will get to the point where you Cant work and you will have to let people down, best to deal with it before it gets to that point

goodluck xxx
i cant imagine having to work while heavily preggers maybe just have decent good breaks booked into your day so every few hours your getting to put your feet up
Oh honey, i'm really sorry to hear you're struggling, hope it was just a bad day too x
why not cut ur hours down maybe just work till 2 or somthing that why ur days shorter and ur keeping ur clienbts happy?
but i think you defo need to take time out for a break, isnt good for you.
Thanks hun, i was a bit quieter today and coped alot better. I guess I need to just make sure I dont book myslef up too much and make sure I always have a gap to sit down.....STRESS!!!
I am cutting my hours down to 3 days a week at the start of June. Its so hard as im eager to keep all my clients happy but my health has to come first!
yep ur right there as its not just you u have to look after its the baby 2. make sure u get plenty of breaks to sit down. you poor thing ur feet must be killing. i'm quiet lucky really i'm half sitting down and half standing up so least ive got bit of both.
hope ur OH is looking after you 2 x
He is fantastic, rubs my feet every night even though he HATES feet. Bless him xxx

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