I've never had this before! TMI


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Went for a number 2 earlier and it was a bit sore, then when I wiped there was a bit of blood.

Now still feeling sore sitting at my desk!

What's wrong with me? Never had this happen before?
sounds like piles to me, just eat something to soften the poos and try not to push too hard. You can get creams I think to reduce the swelling but I've not had piles so not sure.
Sounds like piles hunny they happen when you have either been constapated or because of the pressure of baby. Your doctor will be able to give you something to help x x

We'll I'm always pretty regular and eat pretty well so there not hard as such, but I guess I'll have to eat even more of the healthy stuff! (OH is going to love me! lol)

If I went to the doc would I have to get my bits out?
I don't think there's a need to see the doctor, hun. It must be internal piles or an anal fissure, but the only thing the doc can do for you is tell you is to increase your fibre intake. And I advise you to do that asap, before you get external piles (like I did), which are the work of the devil and take ages to go away.
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Since I've had piles - almost a month now, I meant it when I said they took ages to disappear - I've been living on bran, beans and veggies. Fruit is great too, but I can't manage it raw, gives me bad indigestion.

Bran will do you a world of good, it's got huge amounts of fibre :hug:
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Cud be just a fissure hun, where ur poo has cut u on the way out. Plenty of fruit and veg and dont force any number 2's out :)
I went to the doctors and never had to show them anything. My diet is good and i eat enough fiber so i wanted something to try and shrink them as they can just get worse, with being pregnant i wanted to make sure i was using something pregnancy friendly plus if they are bleeding there are some creams that you cant use x x

I've got the midwife on monday, should I speak to her and see what she says before I make an appt?
I've got the midwife on monday, should I speak to her and see what she says before I make an appt?
You should, I'm sure she must be quite knowledgeable on the subject, it is a very common pregnancy complaint after all :hug:

I intend to pester mine about getting piles when giving birth, this is my most dreadful fear at the moment. I would do ANYTHING never to get piles again, but apparently you can get them just from the strain of birth.
I've got the midwife on monday, should I speak to her and see what she says before I make an appt?
You should, I'm sure she must be quite knowledgeable on the subject, it is a very common pregnancy complaint after all :hug:

I intend to pester mine about getting piles when giving birth, this is my most dreadful fear at the moment. I would do ANYTHING never to get piles again, but apparently you can get them just from the strain of birth.

Oh god! I don't even want to have to tell my OH, let alone a midwife!

And to think it had all been going so well in that department! Teaches me for saying so on the forum a few weeks a go!
It's just the baby putting a lot of pressure on your digestive system, which would otherwise work perfectly fine :hug:

Mind doesn't anyway, which is why I am a complete mess at the moment!!
Aww I feel for you! I'm really lucky and never had any issues at the back end.

Thrush and Cystitus, well that's another story! LOL

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