ive lost baby jess.. from littlejen

:hug: :hug: :hug: :cry: :cry: Why didnt they deliver her yesterday as they had scheduled to do :cry: :cry:

So sorry you have had to go through this, Its so upsetting. Be strong and know Jess knows how much you loved her.
I am so so sorry for your loss, my words cannot express the sadness which i feel for you. I cry while i type this. What a lucky girl to have known such love, you should be proud, proud of the way she was and is loved.

Kellysomer x

A Light For Her
by Unknown

Pain and suffering is to its end in this child's life
We shall not weep for this child, for she is now in a place of beauty
Where there is no war, no hate, and no death
Eternal life is to be brought forth through God by a soft glowing flame:
Strong enough to hold all his children
Containing a prayer that which all prayers are made,
A life, that which all lives are created.
You can't see this flame, yet you always know it is there.
You can't touch this flame, yet you can always feel its presence
This child has now seen God, and God has a need for her.
So, you see, this child did not die, she is reborn.

I don't know what to say, I'm so very sorry .. :cry:
I am so sorry. I really did not expect this to happen. My thought are with all the family. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
all i can say is well done for being so strong and positive throughout. Sorry about your loss. stay strong xxxx
im so so sorry hun you and your family are in my thoughts.

So sorry for your loss. I am thinking about you and all your family. :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
kitty86 said:
Oh Jen I am sooooo sorry. I am in tears here.

I cant tell you how sorry I am. I really cant understand how you are feeling just wish I could put my arms around you and give you a big cuddle.

Take care hunny.

thats what i want to say, i am devastated for you, so upsetting.x
i too have been following your fight & am so sorry words cannot say.
sleep tight precious one :hug: :hug:
i am so so sorry to hear this, take as much time as you need, i am thinking of you all im sitting in here in tears for you hun

rest in peace little Jess, may you play with the other angels and look after mummy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

All my love hun :hug: :hug:
Oh god hun I am so so sorry. But as someone said earlier Jess was an amazing fighter and gave you some more time together. You will always be her proud mum, she was such a big character and will be in your heart forever. Thinking of you all xxxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

Annette & Steve xx
So sorry to hear your sad news.

You are still in all our prayers. If only we could help you more.

God Bless.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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