ive lost baby jess.. from littlejen

I am so, so sorry to hear this. My thoughts go out to you and your family.

So very sorry for your terrible loss.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

takecare Littlejen xxx

words are not even enough - my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and baby jess
Oh Jen I am sooooo sorry. I am in tears here.

I cant tell you how sorry I am. I really cant understand how you are feeling just wish I could put my arms around you and give you a big cuddle.

Take care hunny.
So very sorry hun, I hope in time the pain inside will ease.
May she play in heavens garden with the angels :hug:
oh no hun im so sorry, words cant describe what a terrible time you must be going through, she was such a fighter, she didnt give up easily. take care hun your in my thoughts xx :hug:
I'm so sorry to read your sad news, words cant express how you must be feeling :( Sending lots of love to you and your family :hug:
Like everyone else, I've been avidly following Littlejen and Jess' story, praying for a good outcome. I was delighted to hear that Jess was still hanging in there. Now, I am so angry to read what has happened because I think that, if Jess had been delivered any time up until now, she'd have had a chance of survival. That's what I said in my earlier post - with conditions (such as pre-eclampsia) that lead to placental insufficiency, it is better to deliver the baby early if possibly viable, regardless of term/size. I cannot understand, therefore, why they kept you waiting so long to deliver Jess then, Jen.

I know that nothing will bring her back (though I am still hoping by some miracle that your next scan will show a heartbeat after all), but if I was you, I would be looking for some answers from the healthcare trust which was responsible for your care. I think that the treatment you received fell below the standard that could be expected and, although it is partly understandable due to the recent flooding in the region - the Trust knew of your pregnancy-related problems before the flooding and yet chose to delay delivering you some time ago.

I'm sorry to go on, I'm just so angry on your behalf. Perhaps it's no-one's fault, but I would just want to seek reassurance that everything that could have been done was done to save Jess and, if not, I would want the Trust to learn lessons from that for the future.

My thoughts are with you and your family - your little Jess has already touched so many people, Jen.

Remember to take a camera and lots of film to the hospital with you and capture every detail of your brave little girl.

so so sorry for your loss. She was such a fighter.

My thoughts are with you.

I have to agree with WendyWandy on everything she wrote.. I think the way you've been treated has been shocking, and I would be asking some serious questions as to why they hadn't let you deliver yet.

But no explanations can bring back baby Jess, and both me and my OH send all our love to you all as we were following your story and hoping for a good outcome since it all began.

x :hug: x
I am so so sorry for your loss, you and your family and brave little Jess are in my prayers.
I'm so very sorry that Jess lost her fight...

I pray that you and your family find peace.... :hug:
i am so sorry to hear this, it was looking good for a while there, i thought she might have just made it, i dont know if this helps any but at least she spent her last moments in you, a place where she felt comfortable warm and content, rather than her being delivered into a world where she did not know.
I am so very sorry for your pain you must be going through no one should have to go through this. :cry: :hug:
I am so soory to hear this terrible news...
aww sorry to hear that :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: such a shame , she was such a strong baby :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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