I've just realised I've no idea !!............


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
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About what labour will feel like..... i've had period like pains in my stomach and back pain and lots of movements and pains in the tops of my legs for the majority of the day.... now i dont want to get excited but is this it ??? ............ i've had no show or waters break so i dont no.... a very confused 1st timer talking here so please be kind...
I'm a first timer too but it sounds promising :)
Trust me,ul know wen it's labour. Even after havin 3 kids I forget just how painful it is but it's all worth it xxx
Sorry I have no clue, but hoping for a little of labour before my section this time so I can join you ladies in the labour club, (I know you will all say you fool it's painful!), but I want to feel like a real mum.

I just hope this is the start of something for you Lucy, so exciting ...
I think you do just 'know' hun, really hope this is it :) x
I have no clue either hunny n to be honest I'm bricking it!!!!
I can barely take a toothache.
hey hun I had these type of pains a few days before. It is true you will know when it is labour pain, cannot describe it but its just a really uncomfortable pain that is stronger than anything I ever felt before. I actually asked the midwife how will I know when I will need pain relief and she replied " you will just know"

I hope this is the start of things for u can't wait!!!
Can't help much either I'm afraid! My mum said she didn't know she was in labour with my sister until she was at the pushing stage, but then that was her fifth kid so I guess her body just did it by itself then :)
She also has never been looked at by a midwife until she was at least 7 cms cos she said she just thought it was period pains until it got to that stage!
Here's hoping I take after her :)
First timer here too ,, sounds promising though !! Hope it is time !! I'm the same, I cant handle pain, i'm petrified of the labour xx

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