Ive had a prem baby at 32 weeks!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Hi, wanted to share my experince with all the other mums who have been in the same boat as myself.

I went in to labour at 23 weeks with bradley, they transfered me to hull, where that was the only nicu bed availbale for if the baby was born, they managed to stop the labour thank god, i wa so so scared, anyway all went well until at 30 weeks again i went in to labour, my cervix didnt dilate so had more drugs to stop the conractions,, wahoo again it worked!
Again went in to early labour at 32 weeks, bradley was in distress his heartbeat was poor after a contraction and he wouldnt recover as quick as they qwould liked him to, so down i went for an emaergency c section..
Bradley was born at 06.55am, 6th june 2005 weighing in at a massive 4lb 14oz ( big for 8 weeks early dread to think how big he would have been gone full term)
Anyway he was crying when he was born but soon went down hill, my baby was in diffuculty, he was taken to intensive care where his daddy followed but mark wasnt allowed to see him for 3 hours because they was working on him, he was intubated and exbutated 6 times before they finally got his ventalator to work, :( well mark finally got to see him and took some pics to come to show me, they was so frightning he had tubes coming out every where, his belly button had a long line going through it, looked horrible, Bradley was 3 days old before i was finally allowed to see him, so amazing, instantly fell in love, like you do, well anyway when he was 6 days old his vent came off and he went on to cpap, he was only on it for half hour before they took that away from him as well, how amazing is that.. thats when i finally got to see his hair, omg how much did he have, no wonder i had bad heartburn lol..
Anyways when he was 4 weeks old after spending time in nicu then special care we was finally allowed to take our son home... these pics were taken 4 days before he left special care, i do have others from when he was really poorly but dont think i will share them as they are quite distressing...
thats my story.

Found my pics out from when bradley was born.. the first one is from when he was 3 hours old...


All hooked up to life support etc... :(

then this one is when he was 2 weeks old, getting so much better..

So there you go...
awwww how gorgeous!!!!

my lil one madi was born at 34+5 an only weighed 3lb 11 hehe
How bizarre - my son was born at 32 weeks, had problems with heartbeat after contractions and weighed 4 lb 14 as well! Just to give you some reassurance he's now 13, taller than me and wears size 9 shoes already.....

and a little more reassurance to any one pregnant right now. He breathed alone from the minute he was born (I had steriods during labour) and came home within a week - only staying in that long as we had problems breastfeeding.

OMG SSS, you frightened the life out of me, when i read your tread title i thought you'd meant with this baby :shock: then i realised you are about a week behind me phew....
omg hun, you really have been through the mill :( :hug:

i so desperately hope this baby goes to full term for you sweetie :hug:

thank you for sharing your story with us. :hug:
tangerinedream said:
OMG SSS, you frightened the life out of me, when i read your tread title i thought you'd meant with this baby :shock: then i realised you are about a week behind me phew....

sorry hun.. :hug:

thanks keslo :hug:

i hope this lo hangs on as well, only another week though till they think i will have him.. scary mary isnt it... :hug:
sunshinestars said:
tangerinedream said:
OMG SSS, you frightened the life out of me, when i read your tread title i thought you'd meant with this baby :shock: then i realised you are about a week behind me phew....

sorry hun.. :hug:

thanks keslo :hug:

i hope this lo hangs on as well, only another week though till they think i will have him.. scary mary isnt it... :hug:

really hun??

can they not help him to stay in abit longer?
with everything that has gone on, thats what they said, they want me to get to 30 weeks, i have a stitch in at the moment, so hopefully it will do its job a while longer, but if he trys to come out again they are going to deliver him.. had to many probs this time round... :cry:
I'm so glad he's doing well! My little boy was born at 31+4. He's over 5months now and he's the love of my life :D

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