i've got a night time boogying baby, help


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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for the past few nights Freddie has been rolling over in his cot and can't get back over again. I know this is only a matter of time but he hates being on his belly and screams his head off when he can't get back.

Plus he's now decided he likes sleeping on his side and gets really frustrated when he can't stay on his side. He tangles his legs up through the cot spokes to try and hold himself up. This also means he cries as he gets more and more tired.

He's even crying in his sleep cos he can't get comfy. We have to gently shift him into different positions until he does a big comforting sigh and then goes to sleep quietly! Beware if you get the position wrong!

Because of all this he ends up all over the cot during the night cos he is wiggling like mad and keeps bashing his head on the side of the cot - again making him cry.

We've tried helping him out by putting a rolled up blanket behind him but he hates it cos he feels like he's being held down - he likes being free to move.

Because of all his jiggling, no matter how securely we put the nappy on it has leaked a couple of times which also makes him cry - as you would expect it to.

Anyone else got jitterbug babies??? Any advice or words of comfort, does this phase (please let it just be a phase) last long??
Two words.... Sleeping Bag! Baby sleeping bags are great. Lilly does the tummy shuffle and squidges her face up against the side of her basket if she isnt in hers!

he already sleeps in one and is still all over the place

thanks for the reply though
Im not sure what to suggest. When Lacey started doing this I put her in a sleeping bag and it worked but now Charley's started moving around the cot in his sleep which wakes him up when he hits his head but he hates sleeping bags!!
Have you got bumpers on your cot? It might help stop him getting tangled in the spokes? Ella is still in her moses basked (just!) so I have all this to look forward to!
i have bumpers round the top end of his cot, might try getting some more for the bottom end

it's odd cos it's like he has a witching hour at about half 3, he's fine up to then and fine from about 5am onwards
I'm watching this thread with interest as Drake is similar. He's fine till a cetain time and after he wakes for a feed he's a nightmare. It's like he can't settle!
I dont have any sdvice because J never did this, but I'm sure once he can roll both ways and have more control over his position he'll stop waking up upset. Jess does toss and turn a lot in her sleep now she has the rolling down pat, but she doesnt really wake up and doesnt need help :)
I did wonder if he was hungry so I picked him up but he didn't root around or anything.

He was a bit better last night. He still woke up 4 times but he was a lot easier to settle back to sleep, hopefully this will continue to get better. He ends up in such wierd positions though, literally put him down feet to foot, go and grab a quick shower, come back and he's up the other end of the cot completely the other way round. Like how does he do that!?!

Thanks all for your advice though.

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