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I've done lots of crying


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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these past few days. I know its not really totally on topic for 3rd tri, but as it affects me and baby bump I wanted to post it here rather than OT. I know some might find it hard to understand how much a dog can mean to a person, but many do. Those that keep pets, they are part of the family and much loved.

We lost our little dog today. Had to have her put to sleep. I've made a few entries about it on my LJ blog if anyone wants to read. That it has happened two months after losing our other dog is breaking my heart. I spent days crying when he died and weeks getting used to not having him around. To then in the space of a few days have to see our other little doglet become unwell and lose her has been incredibly difficult. The hurt was just healing and now its happened all over again.

I've spent the last four days caring for her. Its been hard work. She needed carrying up and down the stairs, help round the house and so much more. But she was worth giving the time to just in case there was a chance she would bounce back a bit and be able to have a decent quality of life.

Its meant sleepless nights, worrying days and an aching bump. I've been on my hands and knees, sitting on hard floors, carrying her and goodness knows what else. I worried for our baby as I knew the stress and upset are not good for me, but whatever I did it was going to result in tears and lots of emotion. My mother worried that I was going to put strain on myself and bump and was here this weekend which helped. But still I wanted to care for Daisy myself as much as possible as she only seemed settled when with me.

Bump aches still and I worry that sobbing and being distressed too much isn't good for me or Bump. So I am trying to distract myself and prevent tears.

I'm going to go cuddle my hubby and spend a few hours with him now. Our baby is the most important thing but I need to grieve also but worry how it might affect Bump. I am sure LO will be fine in there, but being the emotional wreck I am right now, I am worrying about everything and nothing.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Dogs become a really special part of your life I lost mine last year and it broke my heart.
Your baby will be fine hun :hug:
im so sorry :( :cry: :hug:

Its terrible to lose a pet. We lost one of our cats at xmas, and it was truely heartbreaking. People kept saying things like "it was his time" ...i think they thought "oh well, he's just a cat" but it was awful :(

Im sorry that you lost your dogs so close together, :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its always sad losing a pet :hug: :hug:

I'm sure you wont be doing your bump any harm but try to stay as calm as possible, which I know isn't going to be easy.
I feel for you luv!

I went through exactly the same at about the same stage as you are.

My little 14 year old Bichon baby Floss had to be put to sleep after a hellishly traumatic night with her.

Please please PM me if you need to talk.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Sherry :cry: :hug:

That is so awful for you to lose two so close together. As you know, we lost our beloved cat ShePatch when I was 29 weeks and I cried and cried - and couldn't eat for about a week, it really affected me. However, Connie was fine throughout and has been wholly unaffected - even though the grief was so painful and hurt my stomach at times :cry:

As you know from when you lost your other dog, it DOES get easier but it is bloody difficult to deal with. The thing that helped us the most was getting another cat (though I recognise this may not be possible for you in your circumstances)...

Big hugs to you - I really do feel for you.

Lots of love from Bex, Jim, Annie-fold, Tazpotsworth and Ella-Smella :hug:
You only know what it's like when you have pets, I totally understand as our cat was hit by a car last year, I still get upset thinking about him now.

Poor you, have another :hug:
Firstly big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I lost my dog 7 years ago, I have to say it was so so hard, like you I cried for days afterwards. People could not understand - she was only a dog right?

Pa, if only they knew, she was a big big part of our family, I was so close to her, even writing this is making me weepy - must be hormones!!

She was only 4 when she went, she had severe epilepsy. I lost track of the amount of times I held her while she fitted - just as a human would - to watch my beautiful dog be jumping around one minute then the next lying helpless and distorted on the floor - heartbreaking.

She had a huge seizure and we had to have her put to sleep - the medication could not help her.

You need time to grieve, it's natural and normal. Being able to care for Daisy right to the end will be a massive comfort to you in the future

Little one will be fine :hug: :hug: :hug:

i can't imagine how you must be feeling sweetie :hug:

i have 2 cats and they mean the absolute world to me, i don't know how i would be if anything ever happened to them :cry:

i know it isn't much help, but your little angel will be pain free now and watching over you, they say 'only borrowed, never owned' about pets, i think that's really true.. she'll send you a sign soon to let you know she's safe and sound :hug: :hug: :hug:

sarah xxxxxxxxxx
Aww, im so sorry for your dog and for you too. I understand the pain involved in losing a pet, its just heartbreaking. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sherry, I'm so sorry to hear about this. We were only talking about out little babies (doggy ones) a couple of weeks ago and sharing piccies.

I honestly don't know what to say because I know how much they mean to you.

Just want to send you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. I can't imagine how difficult it is..I have 2 cats and they really are like my babies-don't know what I'd do if I lost them so I understand it must be heartbreaking.
have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Take care.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You poor thing.
I sobbed for ages when my hamster died. I was around 13 weeks pregnant and i cried and cried and cried.
I can't imagine how sad it is to lose a dog, as i'm sure they play a much bigger part in life than a hamster.

when you love something it is going to hurt when its gone
Bubs will be totally fine xxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry to hear this. Don't worry about bump - it'sbetter to take the time to grieve properly than to carry round the stress of trying not to be upset. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you everyone :hug: :hug:

I've spent the last couple of hours cuddled on the sofa with my Bloke. He's been wonderful through all this and took the day off work today so he could be with me.

I feel so numb. I've cried so much I just can't cry anymore right now. Bump is still aching but I am relaxing a little bit so hopefully my muscles will relax round there more now the sobbing has stopped. I think I overdid the lifting and carrying of Daisy dog last night and today but LO is wriggling around in there and seems to be on fine form.

I'm going to head to bed now and hopefully sleep.

Thank you again for your support, it means a lot to me. I know you understand how hard it is to lose a loved pet. We have them even though we know we will lose them one day. My double loss has hit me hard. And at a time when in the rest of my life I am so happy with our LO to look forward to. I know time is a great healer and take comfort in knowing she is not suffering, but it hurts like hell regardless.
It really is so hard to lose any pet - I think especially dog because they're so close to us and give us so much loyalty.

Go easy on yourself, it's natural to grieve and I'm sure feeling guilty won't help. It's a natural process to be sad and cry, I reckon our bubs will have evolved to be able to deal with it.

Look after yourself... :hug:
i really do feel for you hun :hug: when we lost my last dog i couldnt go to work for a week as i couldnt stop crying, some people just see them as pets so dont understand but they are part of the family, i actually like dogs more than people to be honest!!

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