Ive done it, first Gyno appointment made


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
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Hi Girls

After 2 and a half years of trying ive finally managed to pluck up the courage to make an appointment with a gyno. I go next Monday at 10-40am! I just wanted to say thankyou, its because of chatting to some of you on here that ive done it, youve given me the courage to find out why we cant conceive, even if its bad news then we need to know!

I also wondered if anyone knows what i should expect? The receptionist said id be getting an ultrasound but are there any other tests that he will be doing on my first visit?

Thankyou again for all of your advice and baby dust to all ttc!!
Oooo so glad you plucked up the courage...

After 4 years of TTC we are going to fertility centre to see what's going on as well. O/h has to do his sperm test again and then I was told there are alot of tests for me, as the woman is the main person they focus if your partner's sperm test results come back ok.

All I got to say is if you need some support, please pm me anytime as I am going through the same thing at this moment in time as well

Good Luck

Donna x
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Thankyou Babylover!

Thought it was about time we got to the bottom of things and all of the prodding and poking will be worth it if it gets us a baby at the end!
Good luck with all of your tests! Keep me updated and ill do the same!
Fingers crossed for you!!


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