I've been a pig....

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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...and now don't feel like moving!

In fact I could actually just drop off to sleep!

I can't though as MIL is coming for her weekly visit (read inspection in that) and I ought to at least mop the floors and tidy up a bit, or I'll only hear about her scrubbing floors for 9 hours up until she went into labour, squatting behind a bush, giving birth alone, strapping baby to her and being back to the scrubbing within an hour.....

Ok, slight exageration on my part there, but she is SUPERWOMAN, especially compared to my lazy, wallowing self :rotfl:

Soooo, after three slices of fresh crusty bread with real butter I decided it would be lovely with soup, bowl full and another 2 slices later I decided to begin my cleaning I should start as I mean to go on, a good, deep clean....and if I ate the remaining chocolate biscuits I could wash the biscuit jar....that's a good start, yes?

A cup of tea and half a pack of choccy biscuits I was raring(ish) to go!

Only the half a family bar of dairy milk was 'cluttering' the coffee table, so what could I do? The chocolate bar is now finished, and 2 mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows (well, the packet as cluttering the cupboard) and I'm sprawled on the sofa, laptop on my knee, really not feeling the energy to move.....the house is a tip....but no one realises the sacrifices I make to clean up...I mean come on....the choccy's no longer looking unsightly on the table, the marshmallow packet is no longer blocking the view of the teabags...and the biscuit jar is in the sink to be washed, albeit alongside the 2 plates, mug, pan, chopping board and knives and spoon I used whilst 'tidying'.....

It was a start though, don't you think?

Hide behind the sofa when she comes around and pretend to be out. :twisted:

Or tell her that as she was gonna moan anyway about the state of the place you thought you would give her something to really complain about. :rotfl:
:rotfl: thats sounds like me at the moment!!!

But mmmm fresh crusty bread with butter...mmmmm I'm gonna go get some now :lol:
:o you piggy!!! lol

i want some of the bread and soup now though!! mean you!!
Hey Ruthy!!

Come on over and help me 'clean' :rotfl:

There is something about fresh, warm, crusty bread with real butter though.....mmmmm.....

MIL stayed for dinner and OH told her all about this amazing bread we get that she 'just had to try'

I sat in silence when he returned with a 3" crust.... :oops:
Little Bump said:
Hey Ruthy!!

Come on over and help me 'clean' :rotfl:

There is something about fresh, warm, crusty bread with real butter though.....mmmmm.....

MIL stayed for dinner and OH told her all about this amazing bread we get that she 'just had to try'

I sat in silence when he returned with a 3" crust.... :oops:

pmsl!! haha! :rotfl:

MIL's are evil anyway, dont feed them :o

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