Iv lost it!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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So i thought since iv stopped TTC for a while id try to lose a bit of weight for my holidays. Went to the gym 4 times last week and did a work out video everyday (still had my choccie eggs though :rotfl: ). Anyways i noticed yesterday that iv lost my saggy chin!! :rotfl: :cheer: Im so happy!!!!!
Lucky sod you!!

I started going back to my spinning classes last week as my gym now has a baby creche.

Hope mine goes that quick!
Wooo Hooo well done chick! :cheer: I need to loose my belly quick for my hols.... I wish!
:cheer: YAY well done! :cheer:
I can't wait until I can say I've lost my saggy chin..and arms...and belly...and bum...
Woohoo well done you. When's your hols and where are you going.
happy_chick said:
Wooo Hooo well done chick! :cheer: I need to loose my belly quick for my hols.... I wish!

lol me2. Iv got a right baby belly :oops: . Got really upset looking at some pictures the other day and didnt realise how much weight id put on. So when i got to the gym i got really angry and ran my bum off! Im not even botherd about people looking at me anymore, im just so determind to do it this time. :cheer:
Congrats hun - I really need to get out my fitness DVD (got it a Xmas, still in its wrapping!!) - too much housework to do though... which I'm not doing because I'm on here!!! Need to start training too! Gah - where did you get your motivation!!??
smurf said:
Woohoo well done you. When's your hols and where are you going.

Im going on june 8th to Cornwall. But i want to spend all day on the beach surfing with out feeling self concious (sp?) :cheer: I feel better already. Usually im too embarest to wear summer stuff. I always tell people im cold and wear a jumper even when its boiling! :oops:
mrsT said:
Gah - where did you get your motivation!!??

I’m just really sick of people talking down to me because I’m big. Had some one at work say “quick quick shes coming, hide the biscuits”. And I constantly feel embarest and want to hide. There are some truly beautiful women that are a lot bigger than me but I don’t feel happy being this big. Iv lost all my confidence and I’m sick of it. Why should I let people talk to me like that because I’m big? I’m the only person on my team that’s still sat working when some one mentions free food yet I’m the 1st to be picked on when I walk passed!!! Iv never even taken any of the stuff anyway. So I just decided last week that I’m going to reach my target of a size 12 and not let stupid people like that bother me anymore.

I know how you feel, iv got loads to do when i get home from work. But i just put a CD on and dance around the house while i clean :rotfl:
Aww hunny - screw people like that! If thats the only way they can make themselves feel good then they are idiots!!

Good idea about the dancing. Will try it when Eloise gets up from her nap!!

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