argh f**k f**k bollox bugger bollox! UPDATE FOUND THEM YAY

oh hun i really hope you find them, do you know i seem to spend every day looking for something!
either keys.purse,letters, stamps, letters for school, the other day i lost Joshs Nintendo DS & it bugged me so much i was looking for it at 11pm!!!
found it tucked down the side of the chair :roll: .

any time i need anything i think oh here we go again!!

good luck hun, i'll come round & help if i could :hug:
hehe, i forgot about this thread! no i havent found them, and i still havent told him :oops:

i keep putting it off! :oops:

i need to hav another look- a really big proper look- THEN i'll tell him

(when the time is right! EEK!)
ok, im pretty sure iv looked everywhere they could possibly be now. im gonna hav to tell him :(
im not looking forward to this at all! its not fair tho, i KNO he gonna hav a major major sulk at me, but grr why should i be responsible for his stuff :x
and another thing is, there is a very good chance im not looking after them anyway, but iv got a strong feeling that either he wont remember and will believe i had them when i didnt- or wont be sure but will blame me anyway just coz he's lost them!
it seems very unlikely he will say "oh, iv got them, theyre in such-a-place" coz i just dont kno where- iv looked in his places as well as my own.
raa i wish i could remember what we did with them :wall: :wall: :wall:

i guess i might as well tell him tonite, theres no point in putting it off now.

i SO hope hes got them and knows where they are after all :pray:
aww hun ive only just seen this...i hope u find them and hes not to grumpy over it...maybe u could look together after u have told him ? hope u sort it out hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

my boyf bloody had them all along :roll: :roll: :roll:

i wish i'd not put off mentioning them coz i couldve released the huge burden from my shoulders days ago!

and u kno what, they were in one of the places i'd looked goddammit :wall: :wall: :wall:

anyway panic over- phew! (need a smiley wiping its brow here!)

That's brilliant Trixi!

Did he roll his eyes when you said you thought you'd lost them? (My OH would've!)


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