It's Taking TOOOOO Long!


Active Member
May 28, 2005
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I'll keep this short, but, about a month ago, I took a HPT, and it was (-). I just knew that it couldn't be right, due to the way I was feeling. I have an 18 month old daughter, so when I was pregnant, I knew it. Anyway long story short, I started to bleed, and my hCG levels went up and down and up and down, but the Dr.s didn't know if I had a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. They gave me methotrexate anyway to take care of a tubal if that's what it was, and when they did that, my levels went down to 0 within a week, but I NEVER had any pain. I think I had a miscarriage at the end of April, and there was tissue stuck inside, which caused my body to keep producing the hormone, and then I got my AF while I was spotting, and that cleaned the tissue out. <---just my take...I'm no doctor. Anyway- do you know if it takes longer to get pregnant if you have a tubal rather than a miscarriage? We've been "trying" since the middle of June, but no AF yet, and I don't feel pregnant. So I'm assuming I'm not. Any information would be appreciated!
Aimee :?
It all sounds so confusing doesnt it? but i do know if you have had a tubal you can still get pregnant. You had no surgery so i cant understand you could of had a tubal. I always thought ectopic pregnancies had to be removed.....maybe there are different methods. But you do have another healthy ovary so you still have the same chance as everybody else Do you know when you ovulate. I always get a sharp pain on either side when i do, or usually can be symptons of a cyst on the ovary. Hope you are lucky this month, waiting doesnt help does it. I always seem to be waiting.

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