I'll keep this short, but, about a month ago, I took a HPT, and it was (-). I just knew that it couldn't be right, due to the way I was feeling. I have an 18 month old daughter, so when I was pregnant, I knew it. Anyway long story short, I started to bleed, and my hCG levels went up and down and up and down, but the Dr.s didn't know if I had a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. They gave me methotrexate anyway to take care of a tubal if that's what it was, and when they did that, my levels went down to 0 within a week, but I NEVER had any pain. I think I had a miscarriage at the end of April, and there was tissue stuck inside, which caused my body to keep producing the hormone, and then I got my AF while I was spotting, and that cleaned the tissue out. <---just my take...I'm no doctor. Anyway- do you know if it takes longer to get pregnant if you have a tubal rather than a miscarriage? We've been "trying" since the middle of June, but no AF yet, and I don't feel pregnant. So I'm assuming I'm not. Any information would be appreciated!