It's started... I think


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Had sweep 12 today, been getting tightening and low period type pains since about 4. Also had a show this morning although no blood. MW said my cervix was soft and I was already at least 1cm dilated and she could feel the babies head.

Having a homebirth so will try and keep you updated.

Haven't got a text buddy, so if anyone wants to PM me your number I will try and let you know what is happening.
hey becky where in kent r u ? good luck hun xxxxxxxxx
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

best of luck becky hope this is it for you. would PM my number but i'm not going to be able to get on here later, so all the best for a quick and painfree labour!!! :cheer:
hey ya ive texted you mine number, if you want someone to text

good luck and hope this is it and its a nice easy labour xxx :hug:
Good luck hun! Hope it all goes well (and quickly!) :hug:
oooo congratulations (if this is it)

I hope all goes well, keep us updated if you can :D
woohoo yeah oh i hope it is for you hun good luck keep us updated how are you now?
They are coming every 8-10 minutes, getting more painful and lasting longer, so I don't think this is a false run. Just had another show so seems to be going well.

Just going to have a shower and then will be bouncing on my ball me thinks.

Claire, I will text you to make sure I have got the right number.

Hev - I am in Chatham where are you?
:hug: sounds like ur progressing nicely :) has the midwife been to see you yet? xx
Just phoned the labour ward and they are going to make my midwifery team aware. Plugged into the TENS now, so should help.

Contractions seem to be coming every 5 mins or so and getting stronger. MW should out shortly.
I am sooo pleased for you Bec :cheer:

Got my sweep tomrow and wasnt holding out any hope for it, but sounds like its worked for you!!

How exciting, keep us posted and good luck xxxx

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