its not fair!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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well it doesnt seem it sometimes!
my boyf went out last nite, i didnt mind, but this morning i felt a little jealous. he was in amsterdam last weekend for his friend's stag do and sounds like he had great fun there, then he went out on monday nite with his other friend who couldnt make it, then last nite- well it just seems like parenthood hasnt changed his life much- feel like its me who's got all the responsibility. yes iv been out couple times, but felt i had to pace myself "just in case" millie needed me, or at least so i wouldnt be too tired to look after her the next day. and also had to watch my drinks for BFing.
i kno it was my choice to BF and i dont regret it but i envy him getting his sleep when i hav to get up in the nite, and its me who has to get up with her when she decides shes awake for the day (at 6.30 or 7am, too early!)

i kno its swings and roundabouts- im sure he jealous of me coz i spend my days with her while he stuck at work. but i do envy his freedom. i kno its selfish and childish just need to get it off my chest. thanx for reading if u managed to lol
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Your not selfish or childish :)

I bet he is jealous that you and millie get to spend all day together :hug:
Hun i am exactly the same, OH goes out when he likes etc and i havent been out really with my mates only been out with him a couple of times!

He does always ask me though and i always say yes so its kind of my fault but feel bad if i say no and he twiddling his thumbs at home!!
For me to go out without Amber its such a big event...i had a massage yesterday as part of a present and i had to sort everything out just for an hour or two god help one night with OH!
Awww hun :hug: :hug:

I feel the same i haven't had a good night out since i got pregnant in November and all my friends seem to be out all the time as they don'y have children yet. They don't even bother asking me half the time :(
trixi - I could have written that post myself (apart from the Amsterdam bit :wink:) - you are definitely not alone! I feel exactly the same!

Valentine Xxx
is there any way that your oh could do the early mornings ??????

I have always done the nights as I also bf but dh has always done the mornings. I give Grace her first feed and then oh takes her down stairs and leaves me tucked up in bed ... Grace ususally wakes about 6 - 6.30 and I get to lie in bed until 7.30 - it makes such a difference.
My bf doesn't really go out much but I envy the fact that he can get back from college and do some uninterrupted studying,have an uninteruppted bath etc

So when we're together, i basically chuck Willow at him and leave him to sort her out. :lol: He's very good bless him-he's had to be :twisted: don't forget,if you say to your OH,right here's baby,I'm off,there is NOTHING he can do about it,because the wonderful thing is,she's just as much his :lol:
I think most women whi b/f feel like that, whether their OH goes out or not as bubba knows you are source of food so you darent go too far.

Could you not express and introduce a bottle so your OH can get involved with the feeding? We did that and it really made OH realise how tiring it is feeding then settling a baby..... he was pretty good to start with but that really hit home I had my 1st night out on saturday at OHs insistence too.....
zebrastripes said:
My bf doesn't really go out much but I envy the fact that he can get back from college and do some uninterrupted studying,have an uninteruppted bath etc

This is the same as me...but the other day he came in and i said can you feed mis...bearing in mind id had her 24/7 that day and the day and night before all on my own, and he was like 'o great :roll: soon as i walk in ey'

grrrrrrrrr :x :x
valentine said:
trixi - I could have written that post myself (apart from the Amsterdam bit :wink:) - you are definitely not alone! I feel exactly the same!

Valentine Xxx

Ditto. Me too. :hug: :hug:
totally understand! My partner went out only for a couple hours tonight. and althougth he only went out for a two hours and did deserve a break im stuck at home yet again coz i feel i should be there when kyran needs me. Meanwhile he's downing pints and im at home with my screaming and i mean SCREAMING 5 week old. He finally falls asleep when i pick my partner up and im greated by a very pissed fiance (who said hes only having a couple so he can help me with the night feeds, pppfffft!) saying aww hes been good then! .......i could of rung his neck there and still considering it coz hes now snoring his head off, drunk as a skunk on the sofa.....guna be a long night!!! :wall:

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