Its never going to happen!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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I am 4 days ovedue and have no signs of baby making an appearance anytime soon :(

I am trying not to think about it too much but having a down day today and feel like its never going to happen! I know they will only leave me so long before i am induced but i want it to happen naturally

Sorry i just needed a little rant.

Come on baby :pray: :pray:
I was 10 days overdue - 2 days before induction date. It will happen chick and just think how close you are now it could literally happen any time.

I know what it feels like though, so hugs for you :hug: x
try some old fashioned remedies........raspberry tea followed by a spicy curry followed by a good old romp!!!!!!! :cheer:
I went thru this Keeley was 8 days late i thought i was gonna be pregnant forever... but all i thought about was the midwife won't let you go 12 days over so the end is insight and once your lo is here you'l forget about being overdue :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
come on little baby, come out


just think everyday that your baby isnt here is a day closer to when it will :)
:hug: I know how you feel hunni, i am 3 days over and think nothing is going to happen, i went 11 days over with my little boy and it just started all of a sudden no warning it will happen and if worse comes to worse they will help by starting things off so it is less than 8 days away and you will meet your LO

I know how you feel it is so annoying and really does get you down, but getting all up tight wont help try relax and stay calm (hard i know) as babies like to come when mum is relaxed and ready.

I have tried everything, the curry, tea, sex, massage,bouncing up and down on the ball, even had a sweep but baby just is not ready... they come when they are ready and thats it... wont be long just think in about a max of 10 days you will be holding your baby :cheer:
:hug: thanks :hug:
I know it will happen soon enough!!
nikkif said:
I am 4 days ovedue and have no signs of baby making an appearance anytime soon :(

I am trying not to think about it too much but having a down day today and feel like its never going to happen! I know they will only leave me so long before i am induced but i want it to happen naturally

Sorry i just needed a little rant.

Come on baby :pray: :pray:

I can fully understand what you're going through, I'm now 8 days overdue. Got my induction booked for Tues but like you said, I would much rather things happened naturally. :hug:
Hi Nikkif,

sorry you're still waiting. It must be soo frustrating. It will happen for you though. Baby just needs to be ready.

Sending lots of labour dust.


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