Anyone due in the next 2 weeks having any signs?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi, well according to my 'estimated' dates Im due in 2 weeks but my measurements say tomorrow.

I keep having twinges and lots of pressure and shooting pains. Also some discharge but thats about it really.

I keep wondering when will it happen? where will I be? will it happen naturally this time?

Anyone due soon having any signs? If so what?

I didnt experience anything last time as I was induced so I'm worried I wouldnt know if I was in labour :rotfl:
im due next week, the only signs im getting are pressure down below, twinges, back ache, and just generally achey all over!!

but then again, i think ive just listed all the symptoms of just normal pregnancy!!!!!!!
I am due Tuesday and am getting no definate signs yet booooo :wall: :wall:

I am getting fed up with all this weight on my back and spasms all down the back of my legs and buttucks constantly.
Also my pubic bone feel constantly bruised.
I can not wait to go into labor.

Oh I forgot about the lower back ache!!!

I CAN wait to go into labour as Im petrified, but then on the other hand if I do, at least it will be over sooner rather than later!!!
My due date is Monday and i have had no definate signs that my baby is going to put in an appearence any time soon!!!

I'm so ready to meet him, and am getting fed up sitting around waiting!! :wall: :wall:
Pretty much the same signs except the cleaning frenzies! Been on 2 now, had another today (but then I also had a mars bar so could have been a sugar rush!) :rotfl:
Babies head feels very low today. Was just making coffee and felt lots of pressure, felt around my pelvis and thought I could make out the head! very hard!!!
im due 22nd june, a week today :lol: i was hoping to have signs by now but have had nothing :(
Ive had alot of discharge but then ive seemed to have loads of discharge throughout my whole pregnancy so wouldnt be able to tell if this was a sign or not :doh:
Im getting bored now waiting i just thought i would have some obvious signs by now and when i have minor pains and aches i never know whether its BH or just pains and aches or sometimes wonder if i just need the toilet :wall:
Wish I could say I was getting signs, but nothing out of the ordinary to speak of. Baby's head very low and pushing down, sometimes have groin pain when I walk. Have had the odd period type pain at night all around front and back and thought :think:... but nothing! getting lots of snotty discharge but not a show I don't think.

Just got to sit tight and wait... :roll:
i was due yesterday...... only signs im gettin is alot of pressure down below with shooting pains lower back ache a few niggly pains but nothing definate:( whats wrong with these babies they all comeing late

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