I dont think we're related lol!
I can imagine you doing that lmao!! Such a funny sight! Some like the rocking on the ball to help things get started, herbal tea, SEX, spicy foods (fajitas worked for me!), long walks, SEX, they say baths slow things down when ur in labour, can even stop labour sometimes, but in very early stages (before 5cm my mw told me) (and before waters break etc)
U can always have SEX??
It really did work for me, i was 5days early, at night we had sex twice doggy (tmi) and fajitas for dinner, and waters broke at 6:30am! was having contractions all night too, but i thought it was braxton hicks coz i had them for a month constant lol

They were so bad they thought i was in labour a month early when they hooked me up to the contraction monitor lol!
Aaaaaanyway, i hope LO comes soon honey theres not much you can do to coax him out, just the natural stuff!
Sending you Labour vibes ~~~~~~~ (painfree ones!)