A Tribute To My Boobies!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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OK so Morgan had his last breastfeed this morning at 7am, i have been cutting down gradually and my milk has been drying up nicely. I wanted to keep going with the one feed a day until 9 months but my boobs it seems dont do just one feed a day. I fed him and after 2 mins he was screaming! No more milk :x I'm feeling a little down and a little liberated at the same time, La Senza here i come! I thought writing how i feel would help and it came out as a little poem so thought i would share it with you all for us to giggle at! :rotfl: Anyways thats it now no more boob, the end of an era.........

A tribute to my boobies by Kellysomer.

A time that i cherished, i will think fondly of,
a new mum and baby, long cuddles and love.

First time on the boobies, we battled and wept,
the pain and discomfort, don't think that we slept.

Many long weeks, we sobbed and we cried,
but the tears that we shed, were proving we tried.

We stuck at the boobies, we wanted success,
One day we just sussed it, gone the screaming and stress.

The next part was easy, a partnership made,
A gift everlasting, a stepping stone laid.

I am proud of my boobies, the job that they've done,
33 weeks of nutrition, baby to child become.

The milk just kept coming, so i donated a bit,
to neonatal babes, made them strong and fight fit.

No more boobies for baby, thier job is all done,
its down to the bottles, boobie time is now gone.

Shed a tear for the boobies, the moment has passed,
My challenge is over, boobs my husbands at last!

:moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

That's really fab :hug:

Well done hun, for being a great moo cow and for the poem LOL!
kellysomer said:
but my boobs it seems dont do just one feed a day.

How weird! I found exactly the same thing when I dropped to one feed a day with Asher. They just wouldn't keep producing enough milk.

Let that be a note to all breastfeeding mummies out there, it's quite likely that you won't be able to sustain one feed a day.

I found that 2 feeds a day was fine, but my supply diminished pitifully when I went down to one.

I was so upset and was expressing twice a day to try and get it back up again but to no avail!! So I had to stop at 10months.

Very good poem though, you are a natural poet!

That was fab, thanks for sharing. Well done :cheer: xxx
Well done Kel. You did good. That made me cry btw. I just can't imagine the last feed. I can't even begin to think about it. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you x

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